Ch 36: Drops of Jupiter

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Not a so happy chapter, but enjoy it anyway!


How does one mourn over someone they barely knew?

Ricky wasn't really sure how to feel or what to do. He hasn't known what to feel ever since his dad called him. He barely even remembers what he said after he told him his mother passed away that night from a long battle with kidney cancer. All he recalls is his heart beating at an irregular pace, and he seems to not be able to comprehend the world around him.

He was amazed he made it home in one piece since his mind was spiraling. He sent Lily and Nini a quick text about what happened just so they knew why he'd be distant. Seconds after he informed them of the bad news, he heard his phone buzz and knew it was one of them, but he didn't have the energy to talk.

He didn't cry, he didn't speak, and he didn't leave his room for an entire week. He simply laid on his back on his mattress and stared at the ceiling. He hated that he couldn't find an explanation to describe what emotion he was experiencing. During that week, his father sent him the information for her funeral in case he decided to go. At first, he was reluctant to attend since she still was a stranger, and she bailed on him. After careful consideration, he chose to go. He knew he couldn't do it alone, so he asked Nini and Mike to come with him for emotional support.

At the moment, all three of them were standing around Lynne's gravesite as her widow said some last words before they put her in the ground. Ricky wasn't actively listening since he was too focused on her casket. Mike and Nini held onto him as he was deep in thought. He finally broke his eye contact with the casket when he heard a child crying. He glances up and notices his brothers hugging each other as they mourn for their mom.

Ricky frowns, pitying the two young boys. He wasn't unreasonable or heartless. Just because Lynne abandoned him, doesn't mean he automatically hated his siblings since they had nothing to do with it. He knows what it's like to grow up without his mom, but not like this. They got to have a good relationship with her and build fond memories, so her loss is ten times more painful than his. The fact that they were both under the age of 12 made him more upset for them.

"Before we wrap up here, would anyone like to say any departing words?" Leonard asks with glassy eyes.

Mike lightly nudges Ricky. "Do you want to say anything, bud?"

Ricky shakes his head. "No."

"You sure? It's your one and only chance."

"I'm sure."

Mike nods and returns his focus to Leonard. Ricky watches as they slowly put his mom in the ground with a blank stare. People began to leave to go back to their cars, but Ricky stayed.

Mike pats on Ricky's back. "I'm gonna go get the car. Nini, stay with him please."

"Of course."

While Mike walked to the parking lot, Nini wrapped both of her arms around Ricky's frame.

"I'm here for you."

He doesn't hold her back, but he hears her. He simply leans his head on top of hers and stares at the hole in the ground.


Ricky felt completely out of place as he entered the home of his mother. After the service, Ricky was informed that he was invited to the reading for Lynne. He wanted to decline, but he figured he should hear what they have to say.

His mother was apparently living large in Manhattan. It was a three story home with a marble floor and a four car garage. The front of the house had four columns and a massive crystal door. A butler opened the door for him when he rang the doorbell and even offered him a box of tissues and a heated blanket for the sad occasion. Ricky declined the generous offer since he wasn't even sure if he was grieving.

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