Ch 39: New

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I wish I could answer questions you'll have about certain characters, but just know I can't answer them cuz it'd be a HUGE spoiler if I did. Just know nothing is written without it being tied to something bigger ;)



Nini has been working at the library for almost two months now, and she wishes she applied to this job sooner. Having this job was a breath of fresh air to her, and it was a fantastic distraction from the outside world. And of course the library consisted of one of her new favorite people to hang out with, Walker.

He was the best thing that entered her life recently, and she tended to forget about Ricky and Lily when he was around. She didn't feel as hopeless or sad when he was around, and he was funny and lively. They hung out often after work and would stay up all night on the phone.

She hung out with Ricky less for her own sake since it made her too sad to look at him, but she didn't fully block him out of her life. She doesn't know what she'd do without him. She minimized their time to maybe twice a week, and sometimes just once if she was too occupied.

Nini was organizing the shelves as she listened to her playlist when she felt someone tap her shoulder. She removes one of her earbuds and smiles when she sees it's Walker.

"Sorry to interrupt. I can tell you were in the zone."

"It's okay. Did you need something?"

He smiles. "Oh um, yeah. I was wondering if you were busy this weekend. I don't have anything else to do, so..."

"So you figured you'd spend the weekend with me?"

"Pretty much, yeah."

"I'm starting to think you have no friends on campus."

He chuckles. "I do have a few, but I admit that I like spending most of my time with you instead."

She blushes, trying to contain her smile. "I'd love to hang out. What did you have in mind?"

"Hm, I don't know yet. I just paid my rent, so nothing too over the top, Maybe we can go to a park or something. I'll figure it out."

The word rent lit a lightbulb in Nini's head. She had completely forgotten she bought tickets to see Rent live in Vegas that she never threw away. She crumbled those tickets somewhere in her desk drawer, but she had them digitally too. She frowned when she remembered who she originally was supposed to see it with, but she shook her head to avoid getting upset.

"You like musicals, right?"

He furrows his brows. "Yeah, why?"

"How does going to see Rent live in Vegas on Saturday sound to you?"

He beams. "That sounds incredible, but I can't afford that."

"No worries, I already have the tickets."

He lifts a brow. "You just casually have Broadway tickets?"

"It's a long story, but the point is that we get to see it! I'm so glad you reminded me I had these because they would've gone to waste."

"Me too! I love that musical. I can't wait to see it. Since you paid for the tickets, I'll drive and pay for food."

"Awe, you don't have to do that."

He steps closer and thumbs the ends of her hair. "Yes, I do because that's what any gentleman would do."

She felt her heartbeat pick up as her cheeks become rosy. "Th-thank you."

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