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The moonlight seeped through the curtains of Ricky and Nini's bedroom as the stars shined brightly in the sky. The wind hit the window on occasion, but it wasn't too aggressive. The sound of Nini's husband snoring tranquilly as she combs his hair brings her a sense of peace to her soul. Her life was perfect, and it was all because she accidentally threw a basketball at an innocent boy almost 30 years ago.

She thought of all the good times spent during their friendship and relationship and wondered how on earth she got so lucky to meet her soulmate so early in life. She sometimes wonders if her life would've been equally as fulfilling had they gotten together sooner, but she doesn't let that get to her since she ended up with him anyway.

The sound of small footsteps running through the hall captures her attention, making her sigh. She gets up and goes to check on the noise. She walks into the playroom and crosses her arms over her chest when her inkling is correct. Her six-year-old, Rose, and her four-year-old second born, Adaline, were playing with their dog, Maverick. Both girls gasped in horror when they realized they'd been caught.

"Girls, what did I tell you about being up late without permission?"

Rose scratches her head. "Not to do it?"

"Exactly, you know better. Stop playing with Maverick, and get to bed. Your grandparents are visiting tomorrow, so we'll all need plenty of rest."

"Which grandparents?"

"Lola Bex and Lolo Bowie are coming with your tiyas."

Adaline claps. "Yay, I love the Quinn side of the family!"

"Sh, don't wake your father. He had a rough day today and needs the sleep. Now, come to bed."

Rose groans. "Can we at least rub your tummy before we go?"

"Oh yeah! Can we, mommy? Pleeeassseee."

Nini sighs when she sees their cute little puppy eyes.

"Fine, but make it quick."

The girls run up to her and rub their small hands on her stomach.

Rose pressed her ear against her navel. "Our brother is really jumpy in there! I can't wait to meet him."

"Me too! I'll get to boss someone around for once!"

"You will not be bossing anyone around, young lady. Only your father and I can do that."

Adaline scoffs. "Boo, then what's the point?"

Nini giggles. "I'm excited to have a boy too." She kissed both of their foreheads. "It's time to go night-night."

The two girls ran back to their room, and Nini made sure both of them went to bed before she went back to her own room. She wasn't expecting Ricky to be awake when she returned, but it's not like she was upset.

"Hey, babe. I hope I didn't wake you."

"Let me guess; the kids were up when they weren't supposed to be again?"

She nods as she gets under the covers. "Yeah."

"I could've handled it, you know."

She pats his back. "I know, baby, but I don't mind. You looked too peaceful to bother."

He smiles and repositions himself so that he's hugging her from behind. He started rubbing her stomach as his chin rested on her shoulder. "I love you and adore you so much. I'm happy we got to make the dream family we always pictured."

She pecks his lips and leans against his body. They stayed there in comfortable silence as he rubbed her stomach, knowing that their adventure together was only getting started.


"In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine."

- Maya Angelou


And that's it! Thank you guys so much for reading! I love and appreciate all of you! No sequel, but I'm not against spin-off one shots! Lmk if you want any, and put it in the suggestion area in the book of wonder. Toodles!

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