Ch 15: Promposals and Pondering

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The pic above is Nini's prom dress! Enjoy!


It was the most anxious time of the year, more specifically for seniors.

People are trying their best to raise their grades, some already had senioritis, people were preparing for graduation and college, some didn't even think they'd make it by the end of the semester. Though Nini was concerned with most of these things as well, her focus right now was on prom that was happening in two weeks.

Prom has always been one of the many things she looked forward to as a senior. She didn't go junior year despite knowing she would've had a date. She told EJ that it was because she didn't see a point in going twice, but the real reason was because she didn't want to look back at her prom pictures and see someone who she knew would be an ex.

But this year was different because she knew she'd be looking back at pictures of her and her friends having a ball. She was fine with going in a group, but if she were being honest, she'd prefer if she went with someone. And not just someone, she wanted it to be a certain curly-headed teen she'd grown too fond of. At least then she'd never regret who she went with.

She had been giving little hints that she wanted to be asked by him, but he was either very oblivious or was kindly rejecting her. She'd been purposely bringing it up around him whenever she had the chance and would observe how he reacted. Every single time, she would be disappointed since he'd just nonchalantly acknowledge it and move to another topic.

The fact that promposals were occurring all around her didn't exactly make her feel any better. Ashlyn finally worked up the courage to ask Gina to be her date by performing a song on the flute. Kourtney got asked by Howie, who apparently had been crushing on her for a while now. Red didn't plan to ask anyone out since he didn't wanna deal with the stress, which Nini respected. Seb and Carlos were going together after Seb nervously asked him to go with him through a dance number. She still remembers the priceless face Carlos made that day. Ricky has not spoken about prom at all unless someone brought it up to him.

It was frustrating her since she had no idea where he stood about this, so she figured the best thing to do was ask him his thoughts on it. When they were all eating at the lunch table, Carlos started a conversation about everyone's prom plans.

"Okay guys, I have to know. Are we all going separately with our dates, or are we going as a group?" Carlos asks.

Gina shrugs. "I kinda figured we'd go as a group. I feel like that'd be more fun."

Ashlyn smiles at Gina before looking back at Carlos.

"I agree."

Carlos claps. "Then, it's settled. I'll have my uncle call up his friend since he owns a limo company."

Kourtney raises a brow in amusement. "Well, that's oddly convenient."

"Are you shocked? Carlos always knows a guy who does something we always conveniently need." Seb says.

They all chuckle except Nini, who had been sneaking longing looks at Ricky. She rests her hand on his thigh to get his attention.


His smile went down a little but was still present.


"So, prom, huh?"

"Yep, that's a thing that's happening soon."

"Any plans?"

"I only planned to go with you guys."

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