Ch 54: Dresses and Hot Messes

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TW: Mentions of drug abuse


Nini sipped on her coffee as she scrolled through her phone. She was gonna stay in for most of the day and maybe hang out with Gina and Ashlyn if they weren't busy already. Nothing could've prepared her for the actual day she was going to be having.

She hears her doorbell ring, confusing her since she hadn't invited anyone over and wasn't expecting a package. She tightens the string on her robe to not show off the lingerie set underneath before opening the door. She was taken aback when she saw Lily standing outside with a smile so big it made the sides of her eyes crinkle. She was wearing a large sun hat with a tight fitting pastel pink dress and pearls around her neck. She looked like she could be one of the leading ladies of Desperate Housewives.

"Nini, so lovely to see you after a full three weeks. You look stunning."

Nini looked over her shoulder to see if Ricky was anywhere in sight. "Lily, are you here alone?"

"Why yes I am! Sorry to disappoint, but Ricky was busy with work, not like he could come anyway."

Nini furrows her brows. "What can I do for you, Lily?"

She perks up. "I'm glad that you asked!" Lily invites herself in, and Nini had no energy to stop her.

"Please, come in." Nini whispers under her breath.

"So, I see you're not busy."

"I actually am."

Lily glanced around the townhome and Nini's appearance. "Doing what exactly, dear?"

"Doing nothing."

"So, you're busy doing nothing?"


"Oh, honey, you're not making any sense."

"People have lazy days."

"Well, you can postpone your lazy day since I need your assistance."

"With what?"

Lily became animated and a little too hyper energetic to seem natural. "Well, you see, my mother signed me up for dress fitting today. I was supposed to go with my bridesmaids and my mother, but they all had to cancel on me."

"You couldn't postpone this weekend?"

"Nope! It needs to be done now since the wedding will occur soon."

"How soon are we talking here?"

"Soon enough. Probably two to three months from now or so. Depends on the venue we go with."

Nini forces a smile, gripping her mug tighter. "Wow, that's really soon."

"Very! Which is why I'm in need of your assistance."

"Why would you need someone else there to help you put on a dress?"

"Because I need a second opinion! Please tell me you're not gonna bail on me too. I really need some help." Lily pokes out her lip at her.

Nini debated on coming to her rescue since she knew she's probably the last person that should be assisting with this wedding she wasn't looking forward to. She sighs as she rolls her eyes.

"Fine, I'll help."

Lily claps and jumps up and down like a child. "Yay, you won't regret this! I promise to make this up to you. Go get dressed; I'll wait for you in the limo."

"I will." Nini walks over to her liquor cabinet and begins pouring Bailey's into her coffee.

Lily gives her a baffled look. "Is that really necessary at this hour?"

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