Ch 35: Forging Ahead

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Can't wait to get cussed out by y'all, Enjoy! ❤️


"Ricky, this is incredible!"


"Hell yeah! I've never been to a WNBA game, only NBA. This is super cool!"

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. You definitely deserve it."

"Thank you for this." She reached over the armrest and kissed his cheek.  

"Thank you for the slushies." He sips on his blue raspberry drink, smiling at her.

"That's nothing compared to this game."

"Will we ever stop playing the 'you're better than me because you did this specific thing for me' game?"

She shakes her head. "Nope!"

"Good, because I look forward to them."

"Alright ladies and gentleman, it's time for the halftime show! Look at the ceiling to see what prizes you could win!" The sports commentator announces.

Nini and Ricky both look up and smile when they see mini parachutes with something tied to it. Nini quickly puts her slushie aside so she can attain one.

"Oo, I've always wanted to get one!"

"You've never caught one before?"

'No, I was always too short at the few professional sports games I've been to."

He doesn't hesitate to stand up to help her out. "Don't worry. This time you have a giant with you who can snatch it."

"I'm so thankful."

At first, most of the parachutes weren't heading their way. After a full minute of hopeless pining, they finally started dropping their way.

Nini squealed. "Oh my god, this is our chance!"

A few of them fell a few feet behind and in front of them, not close enough for either of them to grab. Then, Ricky spots one that's aiming straight for their area and keeps his eye on it. He noticed the guy in front of him also had his eyes for it, and Ricky knew he'd have to jump first. As it got closer, Ricky crept up to the spot he predicted it'd land on.

"I got it, I got it, I got it!" The guy in front of Ricky says as he reaches for the parachute, but Ricky was not having it. Right before the man could take it, Ricky snatches the parachute out of the air before the man could even graze the tip of his finger on it.

The man turns around and scoffs at Ricky. "Hey, that was mine!"

Ricky shrugs. "You snooze, you lose, bud."

The man cussed under his breath before flipping Ricky off, returning to his quest to catch a parachute.

Ricky hands Nini the parachute. "Here you go, milady."

Nini claps before taking it. "Thank you so much!" She gives him a brief hug before undoing the tie on the parachute. She unravels an Aces t-shirt and beams. "It's perfect! I'll definitely be rocking this around the house."

"You'll look adorable doing it."

She rolls the shirt back and puts it in her bag before they both sit down. He wraps his arm around her as he always did. When the parachutes stopped, the cheerleaders came to the center and began performing.

Nini takes a long sip of her slushie before looking at Ricky. "So, any plans after this?"

"Um, no. Not really. I figured we'd just go home since it's so late."

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