Ch 64: Grand Finale

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They've been married for two months now, and it's been the best two months of their lives.

They couldn't get their paws off of each other since their honeymoon, and it was common to have up to five sessions in a day. They were glad they had a house to themselves since they didn't bother with being quiet or courteous. They were so engrossed with one another that they'd sometimes sneak off to a secluded area during their lunch breaks to make love.

Right now, they were kissing in their kitchen after a hard day at work. Ricky was annoyed by amateurs at the theater while she was agitated due to technical issues fucking up her voice during her announcements. She was the first to initiate their make-out when she saw him preparing dinner. He placed her on top of the kitchen counter and let his hands roam all over her as he smashed his lips onto hers. She wrapped her legs around his back to bring him closer as her hands played with his curls.

He smirks against her lips. "You've been kissier than usual recently."

She kisses his neck. "Can you blame me? You'd do the same thing if your husband was as good looking as you."

His cheeks become warm. "You're too kind."

"And you're too humble. Do you know how fine you are?"

"It's not something I actively think about."

She stops kissing him and cups his face. "Richard Michael Bowen, you are the most stunning human being I've ever had the pleasure of laying my eyes on. I'm so glad someone as attractive as you thinks I'm pretty."

He shoves some stray hairs behind her ear. "You're more than pretty, babe. You're a goddess."

She smiles and brings him into another kiss. Just as it was about to get heated, she felt nauseous out of nowhere. She pulls away and hops off the counter, making a worrying expression.

Ricky furrows his brows and grabs her shoulders. "Are you alright?"

"I think I'm gonna hurl."

She ran to the bathroom and started puking into the toilet. Ricky chased her, got on his knees, and lifted her hair up for her. "Awe, sweetheart. Did you get the stomach bug again?"

She coughed and wiped her mouth with toilet paper. "I don't think so. I would've felt sick sooner."

"Well, if you're not sick, then that might mean..."

Her eyes went wide at what he was insinuating. "Go get the test from my side of the bathroom."

He nods and swiftly runs upstairs. He comes back with a box full of pregnancy tests that they stored after they came back from their honeymoon. They were trying to have a baby soon after getting hitched, so they knew having tests around would be a good idea. She takes the tests and closes the door. When she's done, she sets them on a paper towel on the bathroom sink.

She joined him in the kitchen as they counted down from three minutes for the results. Ricky wrapped her in a hug as they waited. They both rubbed each other's backs as they anxiously waited for his alarm to go off.

"Do you think we actually made a baby this time?"

He shrugs. "I have no idea, but I hope so. We've been going at it raw since we've been married, so the chances are pretty high."

"Yeah, you're right. I really hope it's positive this time. I want our baby."

"Me too, babe."

"Do you think it's a girl? Because I do."

"We don't even know if there's anyone in you yet. Maybe let's not get ahead of ourselves in case we get disappointed."

"But this time I can feel it's different. I just have this voice whispering in my ear telling me that I'm pregnant."

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