Ch 10: Boyfriend vs. Boy Friend

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There's a little time jump, but only by a few months. Junior year is gonna fly by btw since senior year is more important. Like, there's deadass only three chapters of them in junior year, but trust me when I say those three chapters are important. Any who, enjoy the chapter!


The summer sun was hot on Nini's skin as she rode in the passenger's seat of EJ's windowless Jeep. Her hair flowed in the wind while she marveled at the city as they made their way to 7-Eleven.

This summer had been very peaceful, and she loved that EJ was part of the reason why it was. EJ and Nini spent most of their time together during the summer. Luckily, he never was jealous of her friends taking his time away from them and even asked to hang out with them. The group loved him as she expected, but he was a little odd around Ricky.

She secretly watched the two interact when they thought she wasn't looking, and she could sense that there was a lot of tension. She wasn't sure why since neither had given the other a reason to dislike the other to her knowledge. They've never fought, spat harsh words, or bad-mouthed one another though, so that's good. Since it wasn't serious enough for Nini to feel the need to talk to the both of them, she just ignored it.

Ricky on the other hand tried not to let EJ's weird stares bother him. He chose to ignore EJ when he was around him, and he brought Cyrus around with him when he was aware EJ would be present. Cyrus also got along well with the friend group, and he even blended in more than EJ did since he was more geeky like the rest of them.

Though Ricky and Nini still hung out with one another during the summer, they didn't see each other as often due to their boyfriends. It wasn't out of spite or anything; it was just because the summer allowed them to spend more time with their significant others.

Of course, the two best friends made sure to see each other at least twice a week since they'd miss each other too much. They spent Memorial Day weekend together at their local aquatic center, they also spent Fourth of July together and watched the fireworks alone, Nini came over to Ricky's for Sunday brunch on Father's Day, and many other activities.

Today was the last Thursday of summer break, and EJ and Nini decided to hit up 7-Eleven to pick up some snacks so they could enjoy a movie under the stars at a nearby drive-in theater. EJ pulls into the parking lot but doesn't park, which makes Nini furrow a brow.

"I just now noticed I'm low on fuel and wouldn't be able to make it back to your place. Do you mind going in and buying all the stuff we already agreed to get while I pump some gas across the street?"

"Oh, yeah go ahead. I'll see you in a bit."

He handed her a 20, and she reached over and pecked his lips. Before she got out, he grabbed her wrist.

He smiles. "I love you."

Nini was taken aback by his words. She's never been told that before in a romantic context, and she surely didn't expect to hear it for the first time in a 7-Eleven parking lot. Nini was too shocked to say those three words back, so she settled for a cringy thumbs up before she quickly got out of the Jeep, kicking herself for reacting in that manner.

She barges through the doors of the convenience store and goes straight for the candy aisle, trying her best not to cringe at herself. She was so distracted by her intrusive thoughts that she failed to notice the person in front of her. She bumps arms with a taller person, and her face immediately becomes red. She covers her face due to embarrassment.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I'm such a klutz!"


She drops her hands the second she hears her best friend's voice. "Ricky?"

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