Ch 51: Lean on Me

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TW: Mentions of physical and mental abuse


"I can't believe this is our last weekend together in this house!" Gina says as she sips her coffee.

Ashlyn nods. "Yeah, it's super weird, but I am excited to start a new chapter of our lives together."

Ashlyn pecks Gina's lips, causing Nini to smile. The women were all standing around the counter in Nini's kitchen drinking coffee as they enjoyed each other's company as roommates for the last time.

"I can't believe you guys found an apartment in Manhattan so quickly. Usually that can take months."

"Well, the whole not having to pay rent thing really helped us save for an actual good apartment, so I guess we should be thanking Leonard and Ricky for that." Gina says.

"True, I didn't think of that. I'm just glad you guys will only be ten minutes away. I don't know what I'd do without you chaotic women being in close distance after getting used to your shenanigans."

Ashlyn smiles sadly. "Awe, don't worry, honey. We'll visit often and continue to bother you."

"Yeah, I promise to bug you weekly so it feels like I'm down the hall."

"Awe, thanks, Gi. That's so sweet."

Ashlyn sighs. "We should go down memory lane."

Nini smiles. "Great idea; I'll start! Remember the time I had to pick Gina up from the police station because she got in a bar fight with someone who grabbed Ashlyn's ass? I remember Ashlyn couldn't because she couldn't afford it yet, so she asked me to."

Gina chuckled. "That guy totally had it coming! The fuck I look like not defending my woman?!"

"I wasn't even mad about paying that bail. The dude was a total asshat. I'm glad Ricky came from the bathroom after you already punched him since he no doubt would've joined you. I can't afford two bailouts."

Ashlyn laughs. "Oh, remember the time Nini walked in on us? She was traumatized for life."

Nini grimaces at the memory. "I wasn't even grossed out by the fact that I saw you banging since I knew that'd happen at least once. It was the fact that I couldn't tell what the hell you two were doing with those objects you were using."

Gina perks up. "Oh! Well, you see, we're into a certain foreplay called–"

Nini shakes her head and waves her hands. "No, no! Don't tell me. I like being blissfully unaware of what your kinks are."

Ashlyn snickers. "Remember when Ricky greened out, and we all had to convince him the sky wasn't falling since he was convinced the plotline of Chicken Little was real?"

Nini chortles at the memory. "Oh my god, yes! I wanted to laugh so bad, but I couldn't because he would've been pissed at me."

Gina nods as she laughs along. "Trust me. It took all the strength I had to not lose my shit."

"I remember Nini helping him to the guest room afterwards. How the hell were you able to put him to sleep? He was so insistent he'd die if he went to bed." Ashlyn asks.

Nini grins. "Oh, it was easy. I just—"

She cuts herself off when she recalls how she convinced him to go to sleep. She had to cuddle him until he stopped panicking. She remembers him removing his shirt because he was overheated, and she did the same since the room was unbearably hot for some reason.

She combed through his hair and said comforting words to him, kissing all over his face until he went to bed. She woke up the next morning confused when she saw she only had on a bra and shorts and lying next to Ricky. She quickly and quietly left the room before he woke up. She to this day isn't sure if he ever remembered that part of the night since he never brought it up.

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