Ch 44: Cruisin' and Boosin'

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Ricky tosses and turns in his sleep, fighting the feeling of something touching his face. He eventually gave in and woke up from his tranquil slumber and was greeted by his girlfriend kissing his face while she sat on his lap. He gets déjà vu from the many times someone else has done the same thing to get him up. She smiles when he finally awakens.

"You're up."

"That I am. May I ask why you were kissing my face?"

"Do I need a reason to kiss my boyfriend?"

"Well, no I guess. You just ever do that."

She beams and sits on her knees. "If you must know, today is a special day."

"Oh yeah? What?"

Lily looks at him with a surprised expression. "Honey, it's your birthday!"

Ricky blushes. "Oh, right."

"How the hell did I remember before you?"

"Believe it or not, this is not the first time I've done this. Ask Nini. She used to set reminders to inform me it was my birthday."

"Well, that's just ridiculous!"

"You'll get used to it. I'm not the biggest fan of celebrating anyway."

"That's too bad because we have a busy day today."

"I don't have anything planned."

"I do!"

He sits up on his elbows. "Oh god. Should I be scared?"

"No, silly. You'll love it."

"I hope so."

"But before we start our day, let me get you your gift."

She goes into his nightstand and pulls out a small velvet box. She unveils a Rolex, which shocks him.

"Happy birthday, babe!"

"Holy shit, Lily. This is way too much."

"No worries. You deserve it."

"Geez, you really set the standard for your birthday present."

She chuckles. "I don't care how expensive my gift is." She slides the watch onto his wrist.

Ricky smiles. "It's lovely. Thank you." He pecks her lips. "I'm too scared to wear this in public."

"You'll get used to it!"

"This is a major event only type of gift. I probably won't touch it until I get married."

"I don't blame you."

He carefully puts it back in the case, terrified of somehow destroying it. Lily rolls off of him, dusting herself off.

"You need to get dressed for your big day."

"Ugh, can I stay in a bit longer?"

"Absolutely not! Now, rise and shine!" Lily opens the blinds and lets the Sundays enter his room. Ricky squints at the light and blocks it with his arms. 

"Damn you, woman!"

Lily walked to his bedroom door. "If you're not dressed by 10, I'll dump a bucket of ice on you! Chop, chop!"

He groans and gets out of bed since he knew she wasn't kidding from personal experience, hoping whatever she had planned would go smoothly.


When she said they had a full day, she definitely meant it. But no one could've predicted just how big this birthday party was. Ricky already knew it was going to be extravagant the second they boarded her dad's private jet. Lily refused to inform him where they were going, but he soon figured out when they landed in Salt Lake. On the car ride to their destination, Ricky tried to guess where the hell they were going.

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