Ch 50: Where has the Time Gone?

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A lot can happen in three years.

All of them have grown into the adult world pretty quickly. All three of the New York couples were still together and most lived in the same homes. They don't party as much as they used to when they were fresh out of college, but that was expected since responsibilities hit them all like a brick.

Lily is in the process of taking over her father's commercial theater business in New York. Reginald comes to visit often due to this, which Ricky never minded since he was the only family member of hers that he liked. Ricky has been doing fantastic with his theater career. He's starred in multiple plays and musicals throughout the city and has even worked behind the scenes. He's met a few big names in the industry due to his work and his connection through Lily's family. As a result, he's starting to become a known face, but he's no Kristin Chenoweth yet. As much as Ricky loves New York, he admits to feeling homesick sometimes.

Walker is still working as a journalist for the Newsday Paper. Walker decided to move closer to the city to be closer to Nini and now lives 20 minutes away from her townhome. Nini is flourishing as a full-time sports commentator for the Knicks and has gotten a really good raise a few months ago. She was getting more serious with Walker, but she still wasn't anywhere close to saying "I do."

Gina and Ashlyn eloped last year and were in the long process of trying to move out of Nini's townhome since they wanted their own place as a married couple. Gina is doing well with her dancing career and has even performed alongside Ricky twice at different theaters while Ashlyn is killing it as a fourth grade teacher at a prestigious private school. 

At the moment, Walker was at Nini's residence. He was staring at her as she helped sort out the groceries that were Gina and Ashlyn's to make their move easier. She felt his eyes following her, making her smile. She walks over to the couch and sits on his lap. "What's going on in that head of yours?"

He sighs deeply as he holds her tighter. "I'm just thinking."


"Us, the future, all that jazz."

"Why's that?"

"Well, watching Gina and Ashlyn get married and start their married lives together has got me thinking..."

Nini stills in his arms, scared of where this conversation was going. "Um, thinking about what exactly?"

"Okay, don't freak out."

"When have those words ever not made someone freak out?"

"Fair point, but hear me out first, okay?"


He collects himself before speaking his thoughts. "I was hoping you'd maybe consider moving in with me."

She was thrown off by his suggestion. "Wh-what?"

"I know it's kind of random since we've never really spoken about it."

"Yeah, no kidding."

"But I can see it working. Can't you see our future together? I can totally see us washing dishes after I cook dinner, owning a house in Manhattan or wherever our heart decides, and maybe we can do the whole walking down the aisle thing."

"But I like this townhome."

"It's a lovely home, but it'd be kinda weird if I moved in here considering who owns it, don't you think? Plus, it'd be better to shop for places."

"I guess so, but I got a really good deal on this place with Leonard that's gonna be hard to live up to if I start looking for other homes. Where else am I gonna live that doesn't require me to pay rent?"

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