Ch 18: Bittersweet Goodbyes

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Y'all are gonna hate my ass after this chapter lmfao. Also, freshman of year of college will be quick (2 chapters) mostly due to the fact that they won't be in the same continent.


"Jesus Christ, Neens. What the hell is in this box?" Ricky says as he struggles to carry in one of her 10 boxes in her dorm.

Nini was setting up her dorm bed while he was doing most of the heavy lifting. "That's my shoes and socks. You can put them in my closet."

He slowly bends down and places the box on the floor, cracking his back and releasing a grunt afterwards like a dad would. "How many more boxes do we have left?"

Nini scanned the room to count. "There should only be like three left, and I'll set you free."

"Oh, thank god."

"I'll buy us some food as a thank you for helping me."

"Can it be Mexican?"

"Of course, it can."

He lights up. "Yay, now I'm extra motivated!"

Nini puffs air from her nose as she watches him skip out of her dorm room. She was gonna miss his goofiness when he leaves in a few hours. She promised herself she'd keep it together around him the next few weeks since he'll be aboard his flight in two weeks. Just the idea of it made her tear up a bit.

"Good news! There were only two boxes left, and I was able to carry them both in!"

She speedily wiped the water from the corner of her eye before facing him. "Great! You can put them anywhere. I'll take it from here."

He does just that before sitting in her desk chair to relax his muscles. "So, are you excited for school starting in two days?"

"Yes and no. It's pretty cool that I'll experience a real college course soon, but I'm kinda scared since it's unfamiliar territory. I see it as scarier high school except no one cares about superficial things like cliques nearly as much, except for maybe the Greek life people."

"I heard the Greek life students are actually pretty chill at this school, so I think you'll be fine if you encounter one of them."

"Yeah, I'm not nearly as concerned about fitting in here. I think it's nice to have a fresh start where no one knows anything about you."

"I can't wait to feel that too. I feel like it'll be really different for me for obvious reasons. I'll essentially be a fish out of water."

"Yeah, you'll definitely stick out like a sore thumb, but you adapt very well to new environments despite not being extremely social. So, I'm not worried about you."

Once she was satisfied with the state of her room, she took a break. "I'll unpack everything later. Let's go eat; I'm starving."

Ricky hops out of the chair. "Oh, thank god we're on the same page. My tummy was aching like a motherfucker."

"Did you seriously say tummy as a full grown adult?"

"First of all, my brain is technically not done developing since I'm only 18. Second, tummy is a word adults use."

"Maybe when they're talking to children."

"Well, I have a childlike mind, so sue me."

Nini chuckles and grabs her purse. "Come on, man child. We have a new city to explore."

"Yes, ma'am."

Nini and Ricky decide to tour the city of Reno since Nini should get used to it anyway. Ricky still wasn't sure if he'd transfer there or not, but it was still useful to him since he'd probably visit her as often as he could throughout the next four years.

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