Ch 33: Waking up in Vegas

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CW: Things get quite spicier than usual in this chapter ;)



Ricky wakes up to the feeling of gentle kisses on his face and smiles when he sees his best friend on top of him.

"Morning, sleepyhead."

He stretches and yawns before wrapping his arms around her frame. "As much as I love waking up with a beautiful woman on top of me, I do not want to be awake at 7 a.m. on vacation."

"You have to if you wanna squeeze in all the activities I have planned out for us, starting with breakfast."

"Breakfast does sound good."

"Wait till you see what's on the menu."

She crawls off of him and stands up. He just registers she's fully dressed and ready to go.

"What ungodly time did you wake up to get ready?"


"You maniac."

"Well, if I didn't, we'd be late. Now, hurry up and get dressed because I'm hungry."

"Alright, alright. I'm getting up."

He quickly throws on some clothes and fixes up his hair and is finally ready.

"This breakfast better rock my world."

"I assure you it will."

She calls them an Uber, and it takes them down the Vegas Strip. When they get out of the car, they end up in front of a buffet.

Ricky smiles when he reads the sign. "All you can eat French buffet?"


"I love you."

"You're probably gonna be saying that a lot today."

"I most definitely will."

He opens the door for her, and they're immediately seated since the restaurant opened not too long ago. They both stack up their plates with food before meeting back at their table.

Nini takes a bite of her muffin and moans. "God, I'd love a mimosa to top this all off with."

"I totally agree."

"Do you think my fake will work here? I know Vegas is more on it with them since so many people try."

"Well, you're super pretty. If you were to bat your eyes, our waiter would give you anything you wanted."

She blushes. "Awe, Ricky."

"I'm serious. Matter of fact, I think I saw him eyeing you when you were getting your food."

"Maybe I'll try it."

"Go ahead. The worst he can do is say no."

"He could kick us out."

Ricky shrugs. "Free meal."

"Good point." Nini signals for the waiter to come, and he immediately makes his way to them.

"How can I help you, miss?"

Nini smiles, poking out her chest a bit. "I was wondering if my friend and I here could have some mimosas."

He nods. "Right away."

He doesn't even bother to ask for either of their ID's before he's hurrying to the bar.

"Geez, you're good."

She flips her hair. "It's a talent."

"I'm jealous. Guys don't have that luxury."

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