Ch 55: Time's a Ticking

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Lily was sipping on her third mimosa of the morning when she got a call from her mother. She rolls her eyes before answering.

"Hi, mother."

"Well, if it isn't my lovely daughter. So nice to hear your voice darling."

Lily winced at her nice tone. She isn't used to her mother being so kind towards her to the point where compliments feel foreign. "Uh, hi. What's going on?"

"I'm back in town."


"Come meet me at the Opal Event Hall downtown."


"Yes, now, child. Hurry, we're not getting younger."

Amanda hangs up, leaving Lily pre-stressed. She looks around the apartment to ensure Ricky wasn't near before she digs into her bra to pull out a small Ziploc bag full of Prozac. She's gotten more sneaky with her hiding spots since Ricky does routine sweeps, but he wasn't as clever as her when it came to lying. Right as she was about to pop two pills, the sound of the bedroom door scares her. She quickly hides the drugs back in her bra and forces a smile when Ricky comes into the kitchen.

"Hey, Lilybug."

"Hey, baby! I was just about to tell you I'm on my way to see my mother."

Ricky frowns. "Let me check your bag."

Lily quirks up a brow. "Why?"

"I know you have a tendency to crave more when you see any of your family minus your dad, especially when it's your mother. I just wanna make sure."

Lily sighs and hands him her purse. He triple checks it before giving her a nod. "You're all set."

Lily smiled and was about to head out the door.


She stops in her tracks, fear in her eyes. "Yes?"

"Let me check your pockets."

"I don't have pockets. See?" She showcased her dress, and she wasn't lying when she said she had no pockets.

He patted her dress down just in case and found nothing. "Fine, but I'm going with you."

She frowned but swiftly masked it with a smile. "Meet you in the car!" She pecks his lips before hurriedly exiting. The second she got in her car, she whipped out the pills from her bra. Just as she was about to pop them in her mouth, she stopped herself. She still feels guilty for going behind his back while he's just trying to help. She sighs sadly before shoving the pills back in her bra, not ready to toss them just yet. Maybe she'll change her mind when she sees her mother.

He gets in soon after and looks at her. "Someone's eager to see her witch of a mother."

Lily shrugs. "I'm just really excited for whatever she has planned."

He turns the key in the ignition. "Ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be."

When they arrived at the venue, their mouths went agape. It was a gorgeous venue that definitely would cost a pretty penny, but that doesn't really matter when you're wealthy like her family. She takes a deep breath and tries not to think about the safety net in her bra before they enter the building. Amanda and a female staff member were talking amongst one another before Amanda noticed her daughter and future son-in-law.

Amanda smiles at Lily, throwing her off since she's still not accustomed to positive energy from her family. She can feel the urge to scratch at her skin already.

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