Ch 46: Step on Up

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"Are you shaking?"

"Maybe just a little."

"Walker, you have nothing to worry about. My moms will love you."

"I know you keep saying that, but the whole meeting the parents for the first time thing will always be extremely nerve racking to anyone."

Nini holds his hand and squeezes it. "You're gonna be great. Can I finally open the door?"

"Sure, yeah. Let's rip this Band-Aid off."

Nini puffs air from her nose and unlocks the front door. She looks around the house for her mothers.

"Moms, I'm home!"

The sound of footsteps from different areas of the house could be heard. Carol appears from the kitchen as Dana comes downstairs.

Dana opens her arms for a hug. "Sweetie, it's so nice to see you!"

Nini happily embraces her favorite parent before hugging Carol next. "It's nice seeing you both under the same roof for once. Thanks for agreeing to hang out with me together."

Carol waves her off. "You always come first, dear."

Dana glances at the man behind her and smiles. "And you must be Walker."

"Yes, ma'am." He holds his hand out to shake, causing Dana to laugh.

"Oh, we don't do the whole handshake thing. Come give me a hug."

Walker wasn't expecting that, but he obliged. He hugged both moms before returning to Nini's side.

"We're gonna go put our bags upstairs." Nini says.

"Oh, no need. I'll carry our stuff." Walker picks up both of their duffels.

"You sure? I know mine is kinda heavy."

"It's really nothing. Which room is it?"

"First one on the left. It has my name on the door, so you can't miss it."

"Great, back in a flash." Walker pecks her cheek before taking their bags upstairs.

Her moms smiled at her. Carol was the first to react. "Oh my god, he's a total gentleman!"

"Yeah, my guy is really sweet."

"I just know we're gonna love his company." Dana says.

Walker comes down the stairs and wraps his arms around Nini's shoulder.

"So Walker, how about you tell us about yourself while we eat some snacks in the living room?" Carol suggests.

"Sounds like a plan."

Dan brought the snacks and drinks she prepared for their visit to the coffee table and sat next to Carol while the couple sat across from them. Nini makes Walker and herself a plate.

"So, what do you guys want to know about me?"

"How about what you plan to do after college?"

"Oh, I already have my foot in the door of this fantastic occupation in Hell's Kitchen doing feature writing pieces for the Newsweek Magazine."

Dana smiles. "Oh, wow! That's neat."

"So, you're going back to New York after graduation?"

"That's the goal."

Nini lifts a brow. "You're going back forever?"

Walker glimpses at his girlfriend. "Yeah, I didn't tell you I planned to stay in New York after graduating?"

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