Ch 60: Making up for Lost Time

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As promised, y'all getting smut in this chapter, so fair warning to those who aren't into that. Enjoy my little whores!


Hearing Nini tell him to make love to her was music to his ears. He never thought there'd be the day where he was lucky enough to hear those words.

He gets a little too excited and smashes his lips onto hers. They end up grabbing at one another desperately and roll on the bed. They were so into their kiss that they didn't notice how close they were to the edge of the bed. Ricky rolled a little too far and ended up falling onto the ground on his back, bringing her down with him. They sat there in shock for a moment before giggling.

"Is your head okay, babe?" She rubs the back of his head softly, making shivers go down his spine.

He rubs her back. "I'm fine, sweetheart."

He cups her face and brings her into an endearing yet lustful kiss. Their kisses were impatient since they were desperate to taste one another. Speaking of taste, Ricky always wanted to know what her other lips tasted like as well. With that thought in mind, he planted one last kiss on her lips before rolling them over so that he was on top. She was a little surprised by the gesture, but she welcomed it.

He began kissing down her neck, leaving marks on the spots where she moaned the loudest. She wrapped her legs around his back as her hands played with his curls. When he was satisfied with the love marks he left on her, he went down to her breasts that were easy to see through the dress she wore. He was amazed she was going to the airport with her nipples protruding like that, making it obvious she wasn't wearing a bra. And now that he was finally looking at her full outfit, it was quite short and exposing.

"Were you expecting anyone?" He tried to hide his jealousy, but Nini could see right through him.

"I may have considered hooking up with a stranger to bang my feelings away before you got here."

That makes him groan. The thought of some random guy putting his grimy hands all over the woman he loves lit a fire in him. He surprised her once again by pushing her dress up and helping her strip down. Once the item of clothing was discarded, he got a great look at her perfect body. The only thing blocking her from being completely in the nude was her lacy panties. That was the only part of her body that he's never had the pleasure of seeing or touching.

He grabs both of her breasts and begins taking turns sucking on her nipples, something he's been craving to do after occasionally fantasizing about it.

She moans when he pulls on her nipples with his lips and pets his hair. "God, I've missed this."

He kissed her left breast as his right hand rubbed her nipple. "You have no idea how many times I've replayed our time in Vegas when I touched myself. God, you were so hot that night."

Nini blushed at the memory. "Yeah, well, intoxicated me felt bold that night."

He twisted her nipple lightly, making her jump. "And I was grateful. Now, it's my turn to make you cum in a hotel room."

He sucks on her breasts until there's hickeys all over them. When he's satisfied with his work, he shifts down her body in an achingly slow pace to tease her. He pecks her stomach on his way down her body until he reaches her center. He kissed the inside of her thighs and made eye contact with her as he inched closer to where she really wanted him. He purposely kissed around her, making her groan from frustration. He snickered at how adorable she looked as she squirmed.

"Ricky, come on..."

"You teased me back in Vegas, so I'm just returning the favor."

She cussed under her breath as she tried to persuade him to just take her already, but he wasn't budging. He had all the time in the world to make her feel like heaven.

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