Ch 14: Holidays with You

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Lots of Rini one on one scenes in this chapter, which means a lot of fluff and yearning. Enjoy!


The East High theater was loud as the students awaited for Miss Jenn to enter the building. She usually only ran late like this whenever she was planning something big or whenever she overslept.

Ricky was talking amongst the other students when Miss Jenn barged through the theater doors with her contagious smile on her face.

"Good morning my lovely pupils!"

Ricky checked the time on his phone and saw that it was 1:15 pm, but he didn't have the heart to tell her that.

"You must be wondering why it took me ten minutes to get here, but I can assure all of you that I have a valid reason!" She sing songs.

She only is this jolly when there's something major going on, so Ricky decided to fully pay attention.

"Can anyone guess what's in my hands?" She lifts the stack of papers to display.

"Is it flyers for our next play?" One of the kids asked.


"Is it tickets to a local show?" Another kid asked.

"Not even close! Oh, I can't contain it anymore! In my hands is a once in a lifetime opportunity to possibly spend up to four years in the one and only, drum roll please..."

The kids all smack their hands on their thighs for dramatic effect.

She holds up her hands as her way of requesting silence. She smiles widely.

"I have essay applications to get into the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland!"

The theater kids all gasped. The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland is one of the world's best performing arts schools, and having a scholarship there was a huge deal if you wanna pursue anything in the arts.

"Settle down! I know this is great news, but unfortunately they're very picky about who they choose, especially when it comes to foreigners. They only choose up to 20 kids from America from different states, meaning only one of you will most likely be able to attend. If you're interested in doing it, I have enough forms for all of you to fill out. Think of the first year as kind of a 'test run' to see if that place was meant for you. They dive more into that within the information section. I'll lay it on the stage here for you guys to—oh dear!"

A bunch of the students ran to the stage before she could even finish her statement, snatching forms left and right. The moment they sat down, they began filling in the documentation. Ricky was one of the few that didn't bother to get up since he was still skeptical about college. Miss Jenn noticed he didn't get up and frowned, but she didn't say anything.

"Now that that's settled, let's get into today's lesson. We're doing monologues again!"

The students groan, but she doesn't let that harsh her mellow.

"That's the spirit. Now, come get the rubrics for the assignment from the stage as well."

Fifty minutes later, the theater class is zooming out the doors. Ricky was slowly packing his belongings since he was in no rush to leave. Miss Jenn saw this as an opportunity to approach him.


Ricky turns his attention to his teacher. "Yes?"

"May I have a moment with you before you leave? I promise it won't take too long."

"Uh yeah, sure." He was nervous since he immediately assumed he did something wrong somehow.

She pulled him into a private corner, not wanting to go all the way to her office backstage for a short convo.

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