Ch 11: Your Secret's Safe with Me

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This takes place in their second semester of junior year. I told you their junior year would go by fast. Enjoy!


The air was chilly on a rainy night in January. Nini usually loved stormy days when she was inside since she found it soothing. Unbeknownst to her, tonight wouldn't be one of those relaxing evenings.

Nini and Dana were in the kitchen doing their own things before they went to bed. Dana was putting up the last few dishes from dinner while Nini was working on the report she procrastinated until the final week of winter break.

"How much longer do you think it'll take you to finish your history report, mahal?"

"Um, I'm guessing another night will do."

"I keep telling you to stop waiting 'til the last second to do major projects."

"I know, mom. At least I always ace them."

"I can't argue with that."

As Nini was about to write her thesis, her pen ran out of ink. She shook it in hopes that it'd come back to life, but it was to no avail. She groaned loudly since she knew that was her only pen, and she made a mental note to ask her friends for the pens she loaned back.

"What's wrong, sweetie?"

"Do you have a pen I can borrow? Mine ran out of ink."

Dana smiled. "Sure, go to my wardrobe. There should be some in the drawers somewhere."


Nini quickly hopped up the stairs and ran to her parents' room. She searched a bunch of drawers from her wardrobes and dressers, but she found nothing. She went to the closet and found some boxes. As she scanned them, one of them caught her eye due to the fact that it had her name on it.

"The hell?"

She looks over her shoulder to make sure Dana wasn't there before opening the box. She was thrown off when she saw a bunch of letters. She picked them up and scanned through them, confused about what this woman was talking about in all of them. When she couldn't find a clue, she began digging deeper. She spots a legal document at the bottom of the box that made her brows furrow.

The moment she read the fine print of the document, she felt her heart stop. Surely someone was punking her. She knew it was legit when she saw it wasn't a mock document, and her whole world felt like it was ending.

"Certificate of Adoption"

This is to certify that Jane Doe

Has been adopted into the Salazar-Roberts family

On Thursday, February 20, 2003

She noticed the birth parents' name was nowhere to be found on the certificate, nor was the facility that they adopted her from. And she of course spotted the name "Jane Doe," which implies she didn't have a name prior to being taken in. She felt tears pool up in her eyes, and she felt a range of emotions. She doesn't even notice when she gets up and storms out of her parents' room with the certificate in hand until she's downstairs.

"What the hell is this?!"

Dana jumps and turns around at the sound of her daughter screaming. Dana squinted at the paper since she was near-sighted. "What do you have in your hands, dear?"

Nini marches up to her and slams the paper on the counter. "This, mom! Or should I even call you that?"

Dana picks up the certificate and gasps. "Nini..."

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