Ch 40: Unplanned Dates

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Walker and Nini were enjoying their time at the sip and paint. They were there for about thirty minutes, and their creations were coming along fine. Nini smiled as she painted the dalmatian she was making. She glanced over at Walker with a smile.

"How's yours coming along?"

"It's going fine. I can't wait for you to see it."

"Are you gonna tell me what it is, or are you gonna continue to make me wait?"

"Art takes time."

She pouts. "I know, but why can't I know what you're painting? I already told you what I was making."


"That's not a reason."

"My lips are sealed, and don't bother peeping."

"Boooo." She sticks her tongue out at him, which makes him giggle.

"Boo all you want. I ain't budging."

"Fine, I won't let you see my masterpiece. You'll be missing out on the next Mona Lisa."

"That's a price I'm willing to pay."

"You'd miss out on witnessing the next Mona Lisa? You scoundrel."

"Well, at least I can say I went on a date with the person who created the Mona Lisa of dalmatian portraits."

She blushes. "I'll accept that."

She goes back to painting as she sips on her strawberry champagne. The door chimes go off in the middle of the painting session, which made her look. She's thrown off when she sees Ricky and Lily walk in. Ricky smiles when he spots her across the room.

"Oh my god, Nini, hey! Fancy seeing you here."

She stared at him in shock. "How the hell is it fancy seeing me here whenever you literally knew I was coming here tonight?"

Ricky grins as he pats her back. "You're so right. It totally slipped my mind that'd you be here. I guess you're the one who told me about the sip and paint."

She gives him a stern look. "Ricky, what're you doing here?"

"It sounded like a great date idea. What's more romantic than painting while drinking some champagne with your significant other? Right, babe?"

Lily nods. "Yeah, it sounded like fun even though I'm not too fond of getting my clothes covered in paint."

Nini glares at her. "Well, you're in the wrong spot."

Lily just shrugs and notices two empty seats. "Hey, look. They have two vacant spots beside them."

"Well, this night just keeps getting better and better."

Nini scowls at him. "You and I have very different definitions of better."

"What was that, Neens?"


He scoots his chair right beside Walker's while Lily sat on the other side of him. Nini lours at the couple as they make themselves comfortable. Walker smiled at them.

"Hi, Ricky. It's nice to see you. I don't think I've had the pleasure of meeting your girlfriend."

Lily smiles and offers her hand to shake. "Lily Rosenburg. It's a pleasure."

He shakes it. "You're very pretty. Ricky is a lucky guy."

Lily blushes. "Oo, I like him, Nini. You should keep him around."

"Uh oh, do I have competition?"

Walker laughs and holds up his hands. "No worries, bud. I'm smitten for someone else." Walker winks at Nini, which makes her cheeks crimson.

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