Ch 23: Torn

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Please read this A/N: Just a heads up, please do not comment about anything related to s3 on any of my socials, books, or dashboard. I hate the show a lot since it triggers my depression since it reminds me that anything I love will never lasts, and nothing is comforting. I have no desire to hear about the show anymore. If I see any comments about it, I'll just delete them. If I notice you're doing out of spite, I'll block you. I don't think any of you would do that, but I figured I may as well say it so no one is shocked. Also, yes I saw the picture of Josh and Olivia at the premiere. Hopefully that's a good sign, but I'm not getting my hopes up since disappointment is always around the corner.

Enjoy the chapter! Also, there's some nudity ;)


It's been a week since Red's party, and neither of them have brought it up. Much like the first time they almost had sex, they brush it off as if it meant nothing. They excuse it for being drunk and horny.

At the moment, they were chilling in the study room on the floor Nini's dorm was on. They sat on the couch with Nini's legs draped over his while she read a book for class. He was already done with his work, but he wanted to stay with her as she finished her chapters for the day. He just watched videos on his phone as she did her work, grazing up and down her legs.

She never explicitly said it, but she loved when he rubbed her legs. It always gave her chills. Since he was doing it unconsciously, he didn't realize his hands were slowly getting higher up her leg. He ends up under her skirt and approaching her nether regions, which causes her to feel a different kind of chill.

She jumps, which startles him. "What's wrong?"

She blushes. "Um, your hand was getting a little...adventurous."

He registers where his hand currently was and snatched it away. "I'm sorry. I guess I should pay more attention."

She notices he didn't sound as apologetic, but she didn't really mind. She actually didn't care that much that his hand was so close to her center; it just shocked her.

"It's okay."

"Can I still touch—"


He nods and puts his hand back on her shins. They both smile, not so secretly admiring each other. Just as Ricky was about to hold her hand, the sound of the door opening scares them.

Nini instantly frowned when she saw Lily with her perky smile.

"Hey guys! I've been looking for you!"

Nini raises a brow. "You have?"

"Well, I've really been looking for Ricky."

Nini nods. "Figures."

"Ricky, I was wondering if you wanted to grab lunch with me. It's on the house of course."

Ricky grins. "Sure."

Lily glances over at Nini. "You can come too if you want."

Nini could tell she was giving her a sympathy invite, and she wouldn't go even if it were a genuine invite since she'd be third wheeling. Nini shakes her head. "No, thanks; I'm good. I was gonna grab a sub anyway."

"Suit yourself! I hate that you can't join us. I'm sure you would've enjoyed some fine dining."

Nini could sense the fakeness in her tone. "Yeah, what a shame."

Lily grabs Ricky's hand and pulls him up, causing him to stumble a bit. "Well, we'll see you later Nini!" Lily says as she begins walking out the door.

Ricky turns around and waves at her with a kind smile on his face. She waves back and watches as Lily dragged her favorite person away. Something tells her that's going to become very common from now on. Though she wasn't thrilled by that fact, she knew there wasn't much she could do about it.

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