Ch 22: Parties, Painting, and Pining

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It gets rather spicy in this chapter ;)

CW: Nudity and sexual topics


Ricky fluttered his eyelashes as his head leaned on his hand while his elbow rested on the table. He had been up all night playing video games on Twitch with Red and didn't end up going to bed until 2 in the morning. He realizes that probably wasn't wise considering he had an 8:30 am class, but he's done worse.

The sound of the classroom door slamming causes him to spring up from his slouching position and pay attention to his art professor.

"Good morning, class. Hope you all are having a great morning. Today, we'll be diving into a rather risqué project that will require a partner; however, this partner cannot be a student within this class. You must utilize a person who knows nothing about this class since the pose would be more authentic due to the fact that they don't know what they're posing for."

Ricky was confused as he listened to his professor. She always said some weird shit like this, but he isn't shocked since most art teachers are similar to language arts teachers in the sense that they find random metaphors and analogies in anything. The difference with art teachers is that you have to paint or draw that metaphor instead of writing a six page essay. When he was choosing his electives, it was either a writing class or this, and let's just say he isn't the best with essays.

"This week's assignment you will be painting any person outside of this class of your choice, but it's not just any painting. You'll need to paint this participant either fully or partially nude. You will get bonus points if you're able to do full nudity, but you won't get any points deducted if you do partial nudity. The point of this project is to capture how people look in their raw and most vulnerable state and how beautiful it is to be so comfortable in your body. If I can't sense that your heart was in it, I will deduct points. Your project is due next Monday the moment you enter class and each needs to be on a 6x8 stretched canvas. Good luck, and let me know if you bump into any issues! Now, let's get into today's lesson..."

Ricky was blushing as the professor spoke about his project. He had no idea if he'd be able to do this without flipping out regardless of the model he asks. He's not that kind of art major where he could sit and stare at someone naked for hours, but he supposes it'll be good for his experience if he ever wants to be an actor. Surely, he'd eventually encounter a couple of nude scenes anyway.

When the class was over, he was left to ponder on who he'd ask to model for him. He knew he could never afford an actual model, so he knew it'd have to be a friend since he was uncomfortable with sitting in the same room as a naked stranger. He didn't have many friends and acquaintances on campus yet. Both of his roommates are not the types that'd be okay with it, Nini's ex roommate Andi freaks out at any sort of nudity, which leaves only two people.

Lily and Nini.


At first, he was leaning more towards Lily since she's very comfortable with him and knows he wouldn't try anything without her permission. Then, he remembered how conservative she was about showing off too much skin in front of strangers. She didn't want to be labeled as easy or a slut, so she tended to avoid taking risky pictures or wearing extremely provocative clothing. He sighs as he drops the idea of asking her, which only leaves him one person.

He had no idea how he'd ease into asking her to do something so exposing without it getting awkward. He's aware she feels safe with him, but that was still a lot to ask. He groans loudly as he tries to formulate the perfect way to butter her up.


Ricky's palms were sweaty as he knocked lightly on Nini's dorm room door. He asked if she wanted to go to the mall with him so he could buy his canvas. He promised to buy her iced coffee and any pastry she wants for coming along with him.

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