Ch 38: The Line Between Hostile and Protective

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Ricky approaches the library with a small bag of doughnuts that he bought for Nini. She was on his mind, and he figured he could surprise her with some of her favorite flavors. When he enters the library, his smile falters when he sees Nini laughing with Walker behind the desk. He watched as she grazed her hand over his and how both were blushing.

He briefly balls up his fist before relaxing and approaching the two of them. Nini catches sight of him and smiles when she meets eyes with him.

"Hey Ricky!"


Ricky looks over at Walker with a poker face. Nini follows where his eyes landed.

"Oh, I just realized you two haven't formally met. Walker, this is my longtime best friend, Ricky Bowen. He's basically my favorite person in the world. Ricky, this is my boss and friend, Walker."

Walker smiles. "It's nice to finally meet you! Nini talks a lot about you."

"She does?"

"Yep, she just told me a story about some of the things you guys did when you were completing your bucket list."

"Uh huh."

An awkward pause comes upon them due to Ricky not engaging in the conversation. She glances down at the bag in his hands. "Oo, what's that? It smells delicious."

He lifts them up. "Doughnuts. I figured you'd want some. I got all your favorites."

She smiles. "Oo, sounds good! I'll have to eat these later since I just had a batch of brownies Momma D sent down."

Walker perks up at the mention of them. "Her brownies are so good! You're super lucky to have a mom who can bake so well. My mom can't even boil water without it being a hassle. Ricky, you have to try some. They're so—"

"I know they're good. I've had them, multiple times actually." He snaps.

Walker bit his lip. "Oh, of course you have. I forgot Nini said you two have known each other for 16 years."

Nini gave Ricky a stern look. Walker claps his hands and smiles at Ricky. "Well, I'll leave you two alone. I'll be in the back if you need me, Neens."

The moment he walks in the back, Nini slaps Ricky's arm.

He winces and rubs the stinging area. "Ow, what was that for?"

"Being a dick for no reason to Walker. What was that about?"

"What was what about?"

Nini rolled her eyes. "Don't play dumb. I knew what you were doing."

"I'm just cranky today."

"Doesn't mean you can take it out on him."

"You're right, sorry."

She sighs and crosses her arms. "What're you doing here? Surely, you didn't come here just to give me doughnuts."

"I wanted to see you because I feel like I haven't seen you all semester."

"The semester just started."

"Yeah, but I'm used to seeing you every other day, and I think I've only seen you maybe seven times this month. That's like a lifetime for us."

"We've been apart for longer."

"Yeah, but that's because we weren't in the same state."

"What did you have in mind?"

"Wanna go rollerblading?"



"Oh, I'm sorry; I can't. I'll be working overtime since the books need to be restocked."

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