Ch 24: Liaison and Lying

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"So, Halloween is coming up soon."

Ricky looks up from his laptop at Nini as she folded some of his laundry without him asking her to do so. She knew he wasn't gonna do it for another week, so she figured she'd just do it for him as a favor.

"Yeah, it is."

She smiles. "Have you thought about what you want to wear?"

"No, I usually just wing it."

"You should plan it this year. I think it'd be fun!"

"You know I'm not the planning type unless it's a major event."

"Oh, come on! I think it'd be great since we could go as a couple!"

That last word catches his attention. "A couple?"

She blushes when she registers what she said. "Well, two friends doing a couple's costume."

He sets his laptop aside. "Who would we be?"

"I wanted to dress like Maddy from Euphoria. I love her outfits."

Ricky grimaced. "Does that mean I'd be Nate? Because I do not want to dress up as that maniac."

"I know; I already thought of a substitution. We can go as Cassie and Maddy except you can be the male version of Cassie."

"Can I at least be season 1 Cassie? She lost her damn mind in the second season."

"Yeah, we can do that. Our outfits won't technically match since the outfit I want is from season 2, but that doesn't really matter." 

"I have no idea where I'd even get the materials though."

"Don't worry! I'll design it for you. Can I do your makeup like they do on the show?"

He grins. "Of course."

"Eek, I'm excited now!" She begins going through his clothes to see if he had anything to work with. Ricky just smiled as she frantically threw the clothes she just folded all over the place.

"You should probably be planning whatever you're gonna be wearing this weekend since we're going home for your moms' anniversary party."

Nini waves him off. "Oh please, I already have something planned."

"I don't. Maybe I'll help you throw around my clothes since I have no idea what to wear."

"She said the party was dressy casual. It's not that hard."

"You're talking to the guy that wears the same three hoodies and t-shirts on a loop."

"Good point. I'll help pick something out for you."

He got up and joined her in the closet as they planned the perfect outfit for him.

"Isn't it amazing?" Nini asks randomly.

"What's amazing?"

"That they've been together for so long. Imagine being by someone's side for 20 years. That's incredible."

Ricky nods. "Yeah, I always looked up to your moms when it came to healthy relationships."

"Me too. I hope I'll have what they have. I can't see anyone putting up with my bullshit for that long without running to the divorce court."

"I've known you for almost 15 years now, which is basically 20, and I've never once wanted to be away from you."

She smiles. "Awe, Ricky." She got on her tippy toes and gave him a hug.

He pecks her cheek. "We should do a friendiversary when we get to the 20 year mark."

"I agree. We can make it a big deal too."

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