Ch 13: Dead Weight

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Possible TW: minor biphobia but nothing over the top at all.


Ricky and Cyrus were in Cyrus's bedroom, relaxing after a picnic date under the summer sun. Cyrus had put on Cabaret, which neither were paying much attention to since they'd been talking and kissing for the most part of it.

While Ricky was kissing Cyrus's neck, Cyrus caught sight of the scene displaying on the screen and grimaced. "Ugh, I hate when that happens."

Ricky didn't bother stopping his kisses. "You hate when what happens?"

"That monstrosity on the screen."

Ricky finally looks up and sees Brian and Sally kissing.

"What, kissing?"

"No, I don't mind the kissing part. I hate the guy being with the girl part."

"Oh, you're one of those people that don't like watching straight romances? That's fine we can just change it." Ricky was about to reach for the remote, but Cyrus stopped him with his hand.

"No, I have no problem with straight romance movies. After all, my favorite romance movie is Maid in Manhattan."

Ricky furrowed his brows. "Then, what's the problem?"

Cyrus sits up and folds his arms over his chest, puffing out his bottom lip. "My problem is that Brian saw he was attracted to both Sally and Max, but he had a hard time choosing between them. Just like choose which one you're attracted to, and move on."

Ricky sat up straight as he analyzed his boyfriend.

"What do you mean by that?"

Cyrus sighs. "I mean, he needs to choose between being with the woman and man. You can't have your cake and eat it."

"Well, isn't the whole point that Brian is slowly figuring out that he's bi? It is the 1930's, so I imagine it's hard for him to accept."

"Yeah, accept that he's gay."

"But he's not gay; he's bi."

Cyrus chuckles dryly. "Oh, come on, Ricky. You and I both know that bisexuality is just one step closer to being gay."

Ricky felt his heart drop and agitation began to settle.

"Excuse me?"

"Listen, you're either into the same sex or not. There is no gray area. Brian needs to see that."

Ricky got up from the bed, causing Cyrus to look at him with a shocked yet confused look.

"What're you doing?"

"I can't believe you're biphobic."

Cyrus rests his hand on his chest in offense.

"Biphobic? I'm not biphobic. I can't be since I'm in the same community."

"You do realize some gay people are biphobic, right?"

"That doesn't even make any sense."

"I agree, but they exist. And apparently you're not who I thought you were."

"Ricky, what're you talking about?"

"Cyrus, you realize I'm bi, right?"

"Of course, and I still love you."

"Did you think that I'd fully become gay if I stayed with you or something? Because my sexuality will never change regardless of who I'm with at the time, and that goes for you too."

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