Ch 17: Bucket List

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A day after Ricky and Nini made up, they started their bucket list. They put outlandish things they never would've thought of had they not been so adventurous when they made this list.

On the first day, they entered themselves into a square dancing competition since they saw a funny scene on That '70s Show that they'd like to reenact.

Ricky glances at himself in his rearview mirror. "We look like we're auditioning for Oklahoma."

"I've never seen it, but I'll take your word for it."

He checks her out in her short baby blue dress. "I don't know how, but you managed to pull that dress from Party City off."

Nini smirks. "I wish I could say the same to you."

He mocks offense, placing his hand on his chest. "Ouch."

She offers him her arm to lock with. "Ready, partner?" She says in a country accent.

Ricky chuckles and locks arms with her. "Don't mind if I do, pardner."

They walked into the building and saw a bunch of older people that were somewhere in the age range 45-65 all dressed in similar attire. The difference between them and Ricky and Nini was that they probably were dead serious about this competition and actually liked their get-ups.

Nini glanced all over the large ballroom. "I'm pretty confident we're the youngest ones here." 

Ricky also looked around and nodded in agreement. "Oh, for sure. I'm pretty sure all of these people have kids or grandkids our age."

Nini saw an older woman who had to be at least 55ish glaring at them, and she was clearly talking shit about them with her partner.

"Uh oh. Looks like someone is intimidated by us."

Ricky glimpsed at who she was talking about and smirked. "It's probably because we have better knees, and I can actually lift you without breaking a hip."

"You're most likely right. Let's show these old-timers that we're just as cool."

"I never thought I'd hear those words before."

"Me neither. Then again, I also never thought I'd square dance, so..."

An old man dressed like a Western cowboy lightly tapped on the mic at the podium on the stage. "Alright, ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, or I guess I should say boy and girl." He winks at the two of them, making Ricky and Nini awkwardly smile. "It's time to get on the floor and show us whatchu got! Whoever is able to make it to the end while dancing to the correct rhythm of each song is tonight's winner. Winners will receive a $100 prize to each member. Now that that's out of the way, let's square dance!"

All of the contestants swarmed to the dancefloor, or at least as fast as they could. Nini and Ricky get in the center of the dancefloor since they were already the center of attention. That same old lady that was giving them the evil eye stood a few feet away from them and scowled at them some more.

Ricky, feeling a little annoyed by her, decided to address the elephant in the room. "Excuse me miss, but is there any particular reason you're glaring at us?"

"You're not stealing my reigning champion title just because you got young knees. I'm eyeballing you two." She squinted her eyes some more, which made Ricky turn his attention back to Nini.

Nini puffs air from her nose. "Geez, I guess she really wants that $100."

"Imagine having beef with 18-year-olds, embarrassing."

That comment made both of them snicker. They noticed the woman cussing under her breath at their giggling, but that only fueled their laughter even more.

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