Ch 56: Don't Speak

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Nini sat beside Walker in her quiet townhome. She started inviting him over more the closer it got to the engagement party date since she felt more lonely than usual. She gets up to go grab the corkscrew from the drawer, but she was stopped by the engagement party invite she forgot she stuffed in there three weeks ago.

She frowns as she stares at the invitation. It felt almost as if it was mocking her. She sighs as her thumb grazed over the printed picture of Ricky smiling the same smile he makes for any professional picture. She'd know the difference since she's seen his faux and authentic ones. She feels her heart break the longer she looks at it and shoves the damned piece of paper back in the drawer, hating that the party was next Saturday already. The sound of the drawer slamming catches Walker's attention.

"Something wrong, babe?"

"You know, I'm heavily considering relocating my work to California."

Walker wasn't expecting that, and neither was she if she was being completely honest. "Wow, that's...sudden."

"I know, but now that I say it out loud, I kinda like the idea."

"May I ask why?"

Nini shrugs. "I don't feel like a New York person anymore. I've been feeling it for a while now, even before Ricky got engaged. I think I'm meant to be on the west coast. I miss the heat anyway."

"That's a very big decision to make. I would think twice about it."

"I am. I haven't even looked into jobs in Cali yet, and I enjoy my current job and the people here."

"If you like it so much, why do you wanna move? It seems like the perfect place for you."

Nini sighs, blushing faintly as she stared back at the drawer the invite was in. Deep down, she knew it was just an escape from all things Ricky and Lily related. None of their marriage crap was in California, and it was great since it was on the other side of the country. But would she ever admit that? Absolutely not.

"It just seems like the right thing to do. I was right about New York when I moved here. At the time, it was the best choice. Now, I think I've outgrown it."

Walker sighs as he combs through his tight curls. "I wouldn't mind living out west again."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, why not? I liked Nevada's hot weather, so I don't see Cali being that different. I'm sure they have the same amount of journalism opportunities they'd have here."

Nini smiles. "You'd do that for me?"

"Yeah, I would."

"That's sweet, but unnecessary. I don't want to uproot your life because of me."

"It's whatever."

"It's really not."

"Nini, I just wanna be wherever you are."

Nini knew it was pointless to fight, so she backed off. She gets on her tippy toes and pecks his cheek. He smiles at her before going back to the living room. Nini opened up her phone and began searching for occupations and apartments in the Los Angeles region.


"I look hideous." Nini says as she checks herself in her pocket mirror for the umpteenth time before they enter the venue.

Walker scoffs, rolling his eyes. "Babe, you've been checking that mirror a lot even though you look perfect. I don't get why you're so stressed about your looks."

She scowls at him. "I wanna look good in the photos. Is that a crime?"

"No, but still. Relax a bit."

Nini snaps the mirror shut and places it in her purse. They lock arms as they walk into the gorgeous building, and Nini bites her lip as she looks at the stunning interior.

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