Ch 57: Miss Misery

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During the month of her breakup, Nini was trying to avoid her feelings. She was still upset about the way things ended with Walker, and she hated that she was still pining for a taken man. Nini's been bombarding herself with picking up extra shifts or side jobs at the stadium to prevent from being alone too long. She did it so often that she'd burn herself out. She allowed herself to hang out with Gina and Ashlyn once, but she was out of it for most of the night to the point where she wasn't enjoying herself. She always ended up getting in her head about how much her love life sucks anyways.

Gina and Ashlyn were sick of her moping and knew they had to intervene as soon as possible since Ricky's wedding was soon. They barge into her front door on a late Wednesday night, scaring the living hell out of the poor woman on the couch.

"Guys, what the fuck?!"

Gina observed the area and noticed Nini was wrapped up in a blanket with a Ben and Jerry's pint in her hands as she watched a Nicholas Sparks movie. She didn't miss the half empty bottle of wine on the coffee table either. "Are you throwing yourself a pity party?"

"No." She says in a British accent. Gina gives her a knowing glance, making Nini sigh in defeat. "Okay, maybe."

Gina and Ashlyn walk over to her, and Ashlyn removes the ice cream from Nini's hands.

"Hey, I wasn't done with that!"

Ashlyn tosses it in the trash. "You are now. Nini, we're not gonna continue to watch you become this bitter and depressed person due to a breakup and a missed opportunity."

Gina nods, folding her arms over her chest. "Yeah, you're gonna have to accept that you missed your window to be with Ricky."

Ashlyn lifts a finger. "Maybe it's not too late since Lily and Ricky haven't signed the papers yet, but it would be messy regardless since we're not that far from the big day."

"I definitely don't disagree with you, babe."

"I'm not bitter, and I don't plan to mope forever. I just need to get all the sadness out of my system before becoming myself again...I'll become myself again, right?" Nini says, sinking deeper into the couch cushion.

Gina frowns as she grabs two more glasses and pours Ashlyn and herself the rest of Nini's wine while Ashlyn sits beside Nini.

"Neens, you will be happy again someday."

"You don't know that."

"I do know that."

Nini hugs the decorative pillow. "Maybe I wasn't meant to be loved."

Ashlyn sighs. "We'll allow you to mourn this loss for one more day since you clearly aren't up to going out into the world right now, but tomorrow is gonna be a new and happy day. Gina and I will make sure of it."

Nini doesn't say anything as she blankly looks at the screen. Gina sits on the other side of Nini, handing her wife a glass.

"What are we watching?" Ashlyn asks, rubbing Nini's back for comfort.

"The Last Song."

Ashlyn smiles. "Great choice. I love Miley in this."

Gina and Ashlyn lean into Nini as they enjoy the latter half of the movie. Even though it wasn't explicitly said, Nini knew this was their way of saying they loved her, and that was enough for the moment.


Nini didn't expect her next time in Salt Lake to be for the weekend before Ricky's wedding. Then again, she shouldn't be shocked considering she hasn't had a good enough reason to visit before this. The New York gang all took off from work for the rest of the week for the wedding. Ricky and Lily had their bachelor and bachelorette parties coming up this Friday and the wedding on Sunday.

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