Ch 29: I'm With You

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This is a fluff fest chapter, enjoy!


Christmas had just passed two days ago, and they were in the weird period between New Year's and Christmas where you don't really know if you should start taking the decorations down or not. Ricky and Nini's Christmas was nothing out of the ordinary minus Jenn being there and Carol being absent, deciding to stay with her parents. She still mailed gifts to Nini though. Nini didn't mind the absence as much as she thought, which was for the best considering she'd probably have to get used to it.

Ricky stayed at Nini's for the most part of the break, which is what they expected to happen. He's always favored her house over his growing up, and he wasn't attached to his dad's new place yet. Nini's house felt more like home nowadays. Despite this, they were currently at the Bowen's residence, celebrating his 20th birthday.

They would have celebrated it on his actual birthday, but they were too wrapped up in last minute Christmas shopping to host it. Ricky didn't mind not celebrating on his birthday since he typically did it sometime after Christmas since people were less stressed out. It was one of the downsides of being born in late December.

He was never big on doing major events for his birthday. He was completely content with chilling around his house and watching a movie with his friends as a party. This year, he wanted to keep it really small and only invited Nini over. He originally was going to invite Lily as well, but the condo was too small to fit her comfortably if she spent the night. So, he decided against it.

Nini, Mike, and Ricky all sat around the kitchen table as Jenn was preparing to get out the cake from the outside fridge. They just ate a huge feast Jenn prepared for Ricky and were waiting for dessert. Ricky wore a goofy looking crown that Mike bought him that said "birthday boy" across it.

"So, are you having a good birthday son?"

He nods. "Yep, it's perfect. I'm surrounded by the people I love the most."

Nini blushes. "Awe, Ricky."

"Wait till you taste Jenn's homemade cake she baked you. She's a fantastic baker!"

"I'm sure of it." Ricky debated on asking the question that replayed in his mind for a while now. He must have had a curious expression on his face since his dad could tell something was up.

"What's on your mind, kiddo?"

"Oh um, nothing."

"It didn't look like nothing."

"It can wait."

"Why not just say it now, or did you just not want to say it in front of Nini?"

Nini stands up from the table. "I'll go help Jenn with the cake." Nini excuses herself to the garage.

Mike waits for her to leave before turning back to his son. "What's the problem?"

Ricky takes a deep breath when he realizes his father wouldn't let this go. "Do you think that you'll end up marrying Jenn?"

Mike's face turns red, clearly not expecting that question from his son. "Oh wow, that's one hell of a question."

"If you don't wanna answer—"

"No, it's fine. I get why you'd ask; I'd wonder the same thing too." Mike roams through his hair. "I know one day I'll propose, probably really soon since I'm not getting any younger. Jenn also has been hinting she wants kids."

Ricky's eyes widened, and his heart raced. "Really?!"

"Yeah, she's kinda getting to that age where it's harder for women to give birth safely, but she doesn't want our baby to be born out of wedlock. So, there's really only one solution to that dilemma."

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