Ch 63: I Do

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CW: Smut! Enjoy pervs!


Six months came and went as the couple planned the biggest day of their lives. After Ricky proposed, they told their parents when they got back to Mike's place. All of them were over the moon about the news, and Dana actually shed a few tears. They told their friends a day later, and Lily was the first to send a champagne bottle to their home.

When they got back to Davis, they instantly started planning for their wedding. Nini and Ricky chose a venue quickly since they knew the nice places in Salt Lake get snatched up. They also wanted to get hitched as soon as possible both so they could start their family and because they really wanted to be officially married. They chose Labor Day weekend since most people would be off work anyway. Their parents from all over were more than happy to help pay for the ceremony and anything related to wedding prep despite the couple's resistance.

After much convincing, Dana and Carol called paying for the food and the chapel. Mike and Jenn paid for the wedding venue, Bex and Bowie pitched in for her dress and the decor and agreed to pay anything extra if necessary. Leonard offered to pay for their bachelor and bachelorette parties and any other necessities as well. Ricky and Nini were beyond grateful that they had such amazing parents, and they were happy that some of the money they put aside for their wedding could go to their household and future kids instead.

Ricky and Nini chose Salt Lake's most gorgeous venue hall located next to the shore of Salt Lake. It looked similar to the venue Nini always dreamed of having a reception in, and they also chose to get married outside of it since they had no strong desire to marry at a church since neither were that religious. They wanted to be careful about their decision to do it outside since the weather is unpredictable, so they made sure it was under a canopy.

They chose not to do an engagement party since that wasn't their style and felt like a waste of money, but they did have a bachelor and bachelorette party. Since Ricky was actually looking forward to this wedding, he decided to put effort into his bachelor party instead of hosting it at someone's house. Unlike his first wedding, Nini and Ricky decided to do their parties the week before the ceremony out of fear of being too intoxicated the following day.

At the moment, they were in Nini's childhood bedroom about to head off to their prospective parties. Both were dreading being apart despite seeing each other every day since they got far too used to being around one another all the time. Nini slowly packed her overnight bag that she was taking to an extravagant hotel that Leonard paid for a few blocks from the lake.

"Are you excited for tonight?"

Ricky nods as he folds his overnight t-shirt. "Yeah, but I hate that I won't be able to cuddle you."

"It's only for one night, sweetie."

"One night too long."

"Yeah, I know. I hate it too, but we'll survive."

"I never wanna get used to being away from you again. It fucking blows."

Nini blushes and walks over to him, cupping his face. "It's never easy being apart from you, but it just means that when we return we'll be ten times happier to see one another than usual."

He snakes his arm around her waist and pulls her to his chest. "And the sex will be phenomenal."

She smirks. "Wait till you see what I have planned for the honeymoon."

He bit his lip, trying not to think too hard about what she said. "Don't get me all hot for you 10 minutes before we have to go."

She plays with his curls. "Awe, but it's so fun teasing you." She steadily moves one of her hands down his chest and plays with his waistband to prove her point, making him feel goosebumps.

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