Ch 20: The Boy is Mine

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Just a reminder that they're in their sophomore year of college now! Enjoy!


August finally came around, which Nini was extremely excited for since it meant spending the rest of her college years with Ricky. They spent most of the summer break together and prepared for all of the things they intend to do together when they arrive in Reno.

Ricky wasn't as close to Lily due to them living in different states and neither of them visiting each other during the summer, but they still spoke almost every day. Nini felt ugly for enjoying the fact that he didn't talk to her as much, but she couldn't help it. She'd been learning to cope with her jealousy by talking to her therapist in order to accept the fact that Lily isn't a threat to her.

Ricky ended up moving into a nearby apartment complex along with two roommates he was assigned. Nini stayed on campus since her moms weren't trusting of apartments around colleges. Ricky lived really close to her, so she didn't mind it one bit. It's only been a week in Reno, and she's already visited him five times. She preferred them to go to his place instead of hers since it was so small.

She actually intended on heading to his place soon so she could surprise him, but she wanted to hit up the local café everyone kept raving about that she never got around to. She walked in and immediately realized how cramped and crowded it was. It was roughly the size of a mall Starbucks, and she was bumping elbows with people as she squeezed through the crowd. When she finally gets into the line, she gets a text from Ricky.

Ricky: Come over?

Nini smiles as she reads the text. Of course they were on the same wavelength.

Nini: It's funny that you say that. I was gonna surprise you

Ricky: Best surprise ever!

Nini: I'm at a café right now, but I'll be over there soon

Ricky: Oo! Can you get me a doughnut? I promise to pay you back

Nini: Sure, and no need to pay me back

Ricky: I'm gonna shove 5 dollars in your purse without you knowing ❤️

Nini: And I'll just return it in your wallet when you're not looking ❤️

Ricky: I'm not starting this with you, miss thing. I'll see you soon 💋

She blushed as she placed her phone back in her pocket. After she got her coffee and his pastry, she attempted to shove through the herd of people. On her way out, she hears someone call her name.


She turns to face the person who summoned her and frowns when she sees a pretty blond she was far too familiar with sitting at one of the tables.

"Come here!" Lily waves for her to come over.

Nini debated on finding some dumb excuse to leave, but Lily was persistent. Nini sighs and makes her way over to her. She stands by the empty chair across from her.

"Hey, Lily." Nini says with a forced smile.

Lily didn't seem to catch on that Nini didn't want to be there, or she at least pretended not to notice. "Hey! What brings you here?"

"Well, I've been meaning to try this place out for a while, and I just now got the opportunity to go."

"Well, I hope you enjoy it! This is my favorite café, and it happens to be between the two of our universities. What're the odds?"

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