Ch 34: Compensation

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First three scenes are in November while the last scene takes place in February, enjoy!



"I know."


"Red, Just say it already. I know it's coming."

"Just fucking propose already! You two are driving us all crazy, especially me!"

Ricky groans as he flops down on his back on his bed, his phone resting beside his head.

"It's not that simple."

"It actually is quite that simple."

"Nini and I have always had a complicated relationship."

"Yeah, we all know that, but this is something entirely new. You guys have never gone this far. There's no way it wasn't at least a little romantic."

"It was a pretty romantic evening even though it was meant to be a friendly retreat."

"Was it ever a platonic retreat, or are you two so blind to your feelings for one another that you can't picture the other person being romantic?"

"Dude, I don't even know anymore. She makes my head all fuzzy. She always has."

"Even I'm rooting for you two to bang it out already. Like Jesus Christ. I might even throw a damn parade. Our friends and your parents would definitely help."

Ricky blushes. "I don't even know how she'd react if we slept together. I feel she'd reject me if I ever pursued her in that manner."

"Is it because she made you stop when you tried to feel her up?"

"Kind of."

"I wouldn't let that bother you too much since you claimed that she said her goal was to pleasure you instead of herself. If anything, that's a good sign that she does want to sleep with you. And not to mention that she literally hit on you first."

"I wouldn't risk it to avoid any possible issues. I'll let her call the shots from now on, and I'll take what I can get."

Red groaned obnoxiously, sipping on the cup of Crown Royal he poured after Ricky informed him of their Vegas trip. "Though I'm tired of hearing you pine for Nini over the years, I must admit that I eat up you two's drama every time. I'm considering making a movie about you guys. I'd probably call it "Two Fools in Love." What do you think?"

Ricky chuckles. "As long as you give us royalties for it, I'm good."

"You know I'll give you guys your bag."

Ricky rolls his eyes as she shakes his head. He glimpses at her side of his bed and smiles when he sees the dent in the mattress where her body lays. He grazes his hand over it and blushes.

"I wanna use some of my 2k on a date with her."

Red feels his heart stop. "Like a date date?!"

Ricky's cheeks warm up at the thought of going on an official date with her. "No, like a friend date."

Red rolls his eyes. "Boo, get the balls to ask her on a real one."

"I told you I'm not risking our friendship. She's gonna have to call the shots."

"Ugh, you two are insufferable."

Ricky ignores his friend's comment. "I just wanted to thank her for the trip. I feel like spending some of the cash I won was suiting."

"Where do you plan on taking her?"

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