Ch 49: Big Starts in the Big Apple

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"Is it weird that I'm nervous right now?"

Nini dabs a napkin on Ricky's forehead as they sit on the same side of a booth in a diner Leonard chose for their meet-up spot. "Not really. I'm a little nervous too. I guess we're gonna be nervous together."

"That's a little more comforting actually, but not fully."

She puts her hand on top of his. "Honey, it's just your stepdad, not an interview. You were less jittery when meeting Alan."

"I just feel a little guilty is all."

"About what? There's nothing you need to feel guilty about."

"About not contacting him in the past year. I've just been using his dead wife's money to survive and asked him out of the blue if some people he's never met could stay in his summer townhome. I'm basically a leech to their family."

"You're not a leech, Ricky! Your mother actively gave you that money, and technically the townhouse was supposed to be yours anyway."

"I guess you're right."

"I wish you wouldn't beat yourself up over this."

"It's hard not to."

Nini kisses his cheek and snuggles with him as he plays with his food with a fork. They hear bells ringing from the door, indicating someone walked in. Ricky looks up and spots Leonard. Leonard scans the restaurant before smiling when his eyes land on the pair. Leonard walks up to them. "Hi, kids! It's so nice to see you both!"

"It's an honor to officially meet you, sir." Nini says.

"No need for the formalities. Call me Leonard. You must be Nini."

"Yes, si–I mean, Leonard."

"You're very beautiful. I see why Ricky is with you."

Ricky awkwardly chuckles. "Oh uh, Nini isn't my girlfriend. She's my best friend."

"Oh, alright. Sorry for assuming."

Nini waves him off. "It's okay; we're used to it."

Leonard sits down across from them. "So, how are you two liking New York? Is it treating you well?"

Ricky nods. "Yes, I've been enjoying some of the free shows on the streets and subways. I joined in once."

"I like to join sometimes too. They're so much fun when they're interactive. I can't wait for you two to witness Time Square on New Year's Eve and the Macy's Parade. That's truly something to behold. Maybe I'll take you two since you'll need some guidance if you'd like."

Nini smiles. "We'd love that."

"Great, the boys will love to spend some time with their older brother."

That felt like a stab in the heart to Ricky. "I'm sorry I haven't reached out by the way. It just seemed kinda...weird to. I hope that doesn't sound bad. It has nothing to do with you guys as people."

Leonard smiles patiently. "None of us are judging you. We understand the bizarreness and delicacy of this situation. I wanted you to come to me on your own terms, not because you felt like you were obligated."

"I promise I'll try to learn more about my extended family one day, but I still need some time."

Leonard nods. "I understand. I'm one call away when you're ready. My boys would be thrilled to hear you want to know them."

"I'm sure they're great."

"They're the light of my life."

Nini smiles. "I uh, really wanted to thank you in person for what you did for me. You really didn't have to do that."

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