Ch 28: Colorado

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Nini doesn't move a muscle as she lies face down into the mattress. Ricky shook her body a little harder.

"Nini, wake up."

She rolls on her back in her sleep, scrunching up her face due to the lights being on.

"Nina Salazar-Roberts, you gotta get up. We have a busy day today."

She groans as she rubs her hands down her face. "Ugh, can I have just one more—"

She pauses mid-sentence when she smells the blissful scent of hot chocolate, causing her to open her eyes. She glances at Ricky, who had been standing over her with two mugs.

"Are one of those for me?"

"Nah, I just made two cups for myself and felt like gloating." He jokes.

She chuckles and sits up, carefully taking the mug from him. "Thank you."

"I tried my best to mimic your famous hot chocolate by putting peppermint flakes in the whip cream, but I know that's not the same. I hope you like it though."

She takes a sip and smiles. "I love it."

He grins. "Thank god."

"But it's not like mine."

"Well, of course not. You refuse to tell me how you make yours."

"And I'll continue my tradition of not telling you so you don't steal my recipe."

"Do others know?"

"Only my moms and another friend, but I know they're worthy of knowing the secret."

"Who's the friend?"

"Not telling you."

"Is it my dad? Because he can't keep a secret that's not major to save his life, so I hope it's not him."

"Nope, not Mike either since I'm aware of that. My lips are sealed, so you should just give up on guessing."

"You suck."

She giggles and gets on her knees so that she could peck his cheek. He drinks a large portion of his drink and wipes his mouth. "Seriously, you should really start getting dressed. You're the last one up, and we're supposed to head out in like 15 minutes."

Nini gasped and checked her phone to see if her alarm went off, realizing she forgot to set them last night due to her minor fight with Ricky. She sets her mug on the nightstand and hurriedly hops out of bed. "Dammit, why didn't you wake me up when you did?!" She asks as she rummages through her suitcase for winter wear.

He shrugs. "You looked so peaceful and tired. I didn't want to ruin that for you. Also, you looked adorable."

She typically would've blushed at his compliments, but she was too occupied with finding something to wear.

"Thanks, but next time just wake me no matter how tranquil I appear. You can tell the others I'll be ready in ten."

"Got it."

"Before you go, tell me what you think of this outfit." She held up a baby pink coat with matching pants and furry white boots. On the bed, she laid out white earmuffs and a baby pink beanie with a puffball on it.

"It's cute, but you look good in everything."

She does blush this time and places her outfit on the bed. "I don't look good in everything, but thanks."

"Yes, you do."

"No, I don't."

"Liar says what." He says under his breath.

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