Ch 41: Push it to the Limit

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Nini was beyond excited to be dating again. This was the first guy she's been with that didn't stress her out or make her wonder if she was worthy of love. Everything was easy with him so far, and she wouldn't have it any other way. She waited about two weeks to finally inform her moms and friends about her new boyfriend. Her moms were excited for her, but they still mentioned Ricky since they are obsessed with the idea of them. Nini rolled her eyes when they gushed about Ricky, which made her come up with a lame excuse to hang up.

She did a Facetime call with the girls and gays so she could tell them all at once. They all picked up around the same time and smiled.

"Oh my god, I haven't seen y'all in forever!" Carlos says.

"All of you look great!" Seb states with his signature smile.

"How's life in boring ass Boulder?" Kourtney asks.

"It's not all bad. I got my future hubby living with me while we pursue our dreams." Carlos pecks Seb's cheek.

Gina pretends to puke in her mouth. "Ew, gross."

Carlos scoffed. "Bitch, shut the fuck up. You're literally in a relationship."

"It's only cute when I kiss my girlfriend." Gina says before passionately kissing Ashlyn.

Everyone else pretends to be grossed out as Gina flips them off.

Nini waves at the screen. "Guys, can we not get too sidetracked here? I wanted to tell you guys something important."

"Is it illegal to catch up with friends, Miss Salazar-Roberts?" Kourtney asks.

"No, but can we do it after I say my news? I've been holding it in for two weeks too long, and it might kill me if I don't say it now."

"Say it, bitch!" Carlos shouts.

"Okay, okay." Nini couldn't contain her smile as she built up the courage to share the good news. "I'm dating someone."

Everyone made some sort of face of shock.

"Oh my god, you finally got with Ricky?! How did Lily handle that? Oh, I know she's livid. I'd watch out for that girl since she got that 'my daddy will sue' generational wealth type of money." Carlos says.

Nini blushes. "Oh uh, actually—"

"I'm so excited to plan you two's wedding! Gina and I are willing to have a two couple wedding like Brittana and Klaine did in Glee!"

Gina perks up. "Oh my god, can we dress like Brittana when we get married?"


Nini tries to butt in. "Guys, no I'm not with—"

"Seb and I are the ones who should have the double wedding with you two if you actually wanna recreate that scene."

Seb nods in agreement. "That would be so cool."

"As long as I'm a bridesmaid at all of your weddings, I'm happy." Kourtney claims.

"As long as I can pop my bussy at your weddings and my own, I'll be happy." Carlos says with pride.

Nini grimaces. "Jesus Christ, Carlos! I'm trying to tell you that—"

"Well duh, I wouldn't have a wedding without bussy and pussy popping music. Who the fuck do you think I am?" Gina says almost offended.

Nini shook her head and blushed at the idea of marrying Ricky. "Guys! I'm not dating Ricky!"

They all calmed down from their high and stared at the screen like they've been told Christmas was canceled.

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