Part 1

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Tony POV-
It's a Monday morning and the sun is shining in New York. I had gotten up early to be ready for our new assistant to arrive, Fury had sent her to help the avengers with anything they needed. She was a highly trained agent so could handle whatever they threw at her.

Tony- Welcome Y/N, it great to finally meet you
Y/N- thank you Mr Stark
Tony- it's just Stark or Tony, I don't mind either
I show her around the tower and she takes in the surroundings as we go. She didn't talk much but I liked that, I could see she was constantly listening and that's what the avengers needed. We didn't need another loud voice but someone who could listen to our problems.
Tony- your office is here, everything you asked for is already there. You'll meet the avengers this afternoon
Y/N- sounds good, thank you Stark

I sat down in my office, I had been nervous all day and finally felt calm when I was on my own. This was a big day for me, the Avengers are heroes and everyone looks up to them but they hadn't been functioning well recently and it was my job to get them back into shape.
On my desk were all their personnel files, I needed to understand them. I had my masters in psychology and felt knowing a bit about them before meeting would only prove to be a positive.

I knew I had to keep an eye on Romanoff, she was the outsider of the group. They all adored her but she never felt a part of the group, she always preferred to work on her own.
Barton was quiet and did his job well, he wasn't one to worry about.
I had to work closely with Steve to help him understand everything he had missed, being frozen for 70 years would've been tough for him and now, he needs to catch up on what's happened.
Thor spent most of his time off world so I only had to worry about him when he was here.
Bruce and Tony were always close so they'd be easy to monitor.

A couple hours had passed and it's time to meet them all in person, I head to the meeting room and can already hear the arguing.
Thor- sit down mortal
Romanoff- make me Cinderella
I walk in and everyone looks at me
Y/N- both of you sit your asses down before I make you
Romanoff- who the hell are you?
Y/N- I'm the person who tells you what to do so sit DOWN ROMANOFF

She follows my instructions and slouches into her chair. I knew if I could get her under control then the rest would soon start to follow.
Tony- the avengers haven't been functioning and Fury wasn't going to let us get away with it. Y/N Clarke is here to sort this out
Y/N- you will all submit to Mental and Physical tests run by me, these tests are mandatory and if refused, then you will not be cleared for missions.
Steve- you can't do that?
Y/N- I have a contract which gives me the right to do whatever I need to get this team working
Nat- are you even old enough or strong enough?
Y/N- I'm 26 and you might be a spy but I could kick your arse
Nat- is that a challenge?
She stands up and walks towards me
Y/N- if you touch me then you're done.
Tony- Nat, back off

Y/N- there's no more doing what you want, if you leave or need anything then you come to me first. I have to know where you are at all times.
Steve- even if I'm going on a run?
Y/N- yes, you have to tell me
Clint- Clarke, did Fury...
Y/N- I know everything Clint, don't worry.
I give him a smile and he nods at me.
Y/N- I'm not here to make your lives hell, I want to help. The easier you make it for me then the easier you will all find this. The Avengers must return better than ever and I'm here to shape that.

The meeting finishes and everyone heads their separate ways apart from Romanoff who stays behind
Nat- how do I know I can trust you?
Y/N- you don't, not until I prove myself to you
Nat- and how do you plan on doing that?
Y/N- by giving you what you need to stay alive and complete your missions. I'm here for any request you have so don't be afraid to talk to me
Nat- there's one thing
Y/N- fire away
Nat- we train together for one session, I need to know what you can do
Y/N- that can be arranged, you do know I'll only be on missions if required?
Nat- things happen that we cannot predict Y/N, that might be on the field or even here.
She leaves the room and I watch her go

She was a tough one to crack, I couldn't work out if she hated me or not. Romanoff wasn't going to make this job easy for me and I liked that, I wanted to see every single part of them even when they don't want me to.
I am here to complete a job that nobody wanted, it's time to get some egos down and get this team in tiptop shape.

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