Part 18

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It had been a couple days since I woke up, the whole accident was still a little fuzzy and my brain wasn't quite back to normal but that was expected.
Nat and Maria have been great, they've answered everything I asked whether it's the first or twentieth time.

Y/N- when can I go home?
Nat- hopefully soon babe
Y/N- can I have a cheeseburger?
Nat- not yet, soft foods only
Y/N- how's that not soft?
Nat- just stick to the soup and jello for a while
Y/N- none of that orange shit, tastes horrid
Nat- you've told me already
Y/N- we've had this conversation already?
Nat- only a few times
Y/N- oh I'm sorry
Nat- you have nothing to be sorry for, I would talk to you about anything and everything. Just knowing you're okay is good enough for me

The doctor came in and told me I could home tomorrow, he explained my care to Nat whilst I got a final checkup from the nurse. When I was on the strong painkillers, Nat didn't like how much I flirted with the nurses. I don't remember doing it but it's not something she's going to let me forget.

It's the next morning and Natasha strolls into the room. The nurses have got me ready to go home and all I had to do was get changed.
Nat had brought some clothes with her, all loose fitting and easy to put on. I stood up ready to go and she pointed at the wheelchair
Y/N- I'm not sitting in that, I've been in bed for over a month. My legs needs to move
Nat- I don't care, sit down
I walk over and get on the wheelchair
Y/N- it's a good thing I've got the hots for you otherwise I'd fire you
Nat- you aren't in charge anymore, you were fatally injured remember
Y/N- oh yeah, I don't think the scars or pain remind me enough

She lets me walk into the compound as Maria is there to help as well.
Wanda- you're back!
She runs over and hugs me
Y/N- a little tight
Wanda- oh god, did I hurt you? I'm sorry
Y/N- it's all good, how are you settling in?
Wanda- everyone is so nice, even nicer when I'm cooking
Nat- we need to get you to bed
Y/N- I'm fine seriously
Nat- I don't care, I want you in bed
Y/N- cheeky.
Nat- just get your ass up to bed
Y/N- you better be coming with me
Maria- they've all got a mission

They all get ready as I sit with Maria on the sofa, my hand resting on my stitches.
Maria- does it hurt?
Y/N- if just feels tight, like the way they're pulling
Maria- do you need anything?
Y/N- to sit in the control room while you guide them?
Maria- fine but don't tell Nat
Nat- tell me what?
Y/N- she's getting me a cheeseburger
Nat- no she isn't
Y/N- urgh fine
I smile at Maria and she just laughs at me

The mission has started and I grab the communication device plugging in my microphone and listening to what's happening
Maria- what's your status team 1?
Tony- in position
Maria- team 2?
Steve- ready
Maria- okay, breach
I sit back watching the monitors, all of their suits were equipped with monitors for their vitals. It was something I introduced when I arrived, it was easier to see if any of them were in danger and the suit could pinpoint where they were hurt.

The mission was going smoothly when the compounds alarm starts going off
Nat- what's that noise?
Y/N- it's the compound alarm, I'll check it out
I take the headphones off before anyone can reply, I open the door and bullets fly towards me.
Ramming the door shut, I lock it and signal Maria over who helps block it.
Maria- shit, you're bleeding
She lifts my shirt up
Maria- you ripped the stitches
Y/N- I'm sorry, I was trying not to get shot
Maria- who was it?
Y/N- I didn't see

I walk over to the monitors and search through the compound, putting the whole place into lockdown. All doors were security locked and couldn't be broken down for purposes like this.
Y/N- there's 3 teams of 6, all heavily armed
Maria- where's the closest gun safe?
I walk over to a large hard drive and open it up showing her the guns
Maria- well aren't you a smart one
Y/N- I have my reasons to be here

I put the headphones back on and activate the microphone
Y/N- the compound has been breached, get back here as soon as you can. We will hold them back.
Steve- copy that, be careful
Nat- don't you dare die on me, I've only just got you back
Y/N- focus soldier, complete the mission and then arrive back here.

I grab the bulletproof vest and put it in tightening it around my body. Loading the gun and packing rounds into my pockets was next, I was ready to fight. My body wasn't healed but it didn't matter, someone had attacked my home and I wasn't going to let them get away with it.
Y/N- follow my lead and stay behind me
Maria- you're injured though?
Y/N- I did this type of thing for 6 years, I'm the best at this
Maria- okay, take the lead.

We unblock the door and I walk down the corridor, gun raised as Maria follows behind me.
I can hear voices ahead as we approach a corner.
Y/N- this is about to get bloody
Maria- let's do this
Y/N- take the 2 on the left, I've got the 4 on the right
Maria- okay
In unison, we found the corner and take out our targets. All 6 dropping to the floor, not a bullet wasted.
Y/N- 1 down, 2 to go.

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