Part 5

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We are all on the jet heading towards Sokovia, the team look ready and there's been no arguing which is better than a week ago.
I'm sat on my own with music in, I liked to be able to zone out and be with my thoughts before a mission. It was important to be prepared and to not let yourself get distracted especially when you are leading it.

The flight is smooth until we near our landing zone
She listens and swings it as a missile flies past us, pain shatters through my head as more missiles are fired at us
Steve- how the hell did you know about that?
Y/N- get the jet down as soon as you can
Steve- are you going to answer me?
Y/N- trust me, it's not as fun as it seems.

Natasha lands the jet and comes running over to me
Nat- how's your head? Any danger coming?
Y/N- they're waiting for us outside, anyone who can fly do it. We need vehicles.
The jet door opens and the enemy is waiting for us, the fight starts quickly as Steve borrows a bike whilst Nat and I are in a truck
Y/N- everyone follow the plan, if you need help then just shout

The fight goes on and we are winning
Nat- Clints been shot, he needs medical
Tony- I'm inside, I'll see if I can find what we are looking for
Y/N- I'm on my way Nat
I pull up next to them in a truck and Nat helps Clint in
Y/N- take him back to the jet, I'll get Tony out safely
Steve- there's an enhanced in the field, stay safe

I can sense someone coming towards us, I pull Nat close to me and stick a leg out causing the enhanced to go flying
Y/N- bet you didn't see that coming
The enhanced runs off quickly and we lose sight of them
Nat- Thanks
Y/N- it's my job to keep you safe, now get Clint back and I'll join you soon
I see a guard driving towards us, I borrow clints bow and shoot at them causing him to fall. I grab his motorbike and drive off
Clint- if you don't get with her then maybe I will
Nat- shut up

I've worked my way inside and find the iron man suit stood empty
Y/N- Stark, where are you?
There's no reply
I hear a noise behind me and turn, a red haired woman is stood watching me
Y/N- and who might you be?
??- I'm the one who hates you and Stark
Y/N- that's fair, not many people like him
Red orbs fly towards me, I can sense them so I move out of the way as quick as possible. She notices and speeds up, I can barely move quick enough when one hits me
I go flying through the wall and lay defenceless on the floor
??- the name is Wanda Maximoff, don't forget it
Y/N- come with us, let me help you
Wanda- I don't need or want your help
She stands over me, taking an old cable and uses her powers to grip it round my throat, I can't breathe and she knows it. Her eyes red and her face emotionless. She wanted to kill me and she was going to.

Suddenly, a blue light goes flying past and Wanda is no longer stood there
Wanda- what the hell?
??- I'm saving your life, Stark is coming
Wanda- next time, let me kill her Pietro
Pietro- whatever, let's go
And with that, they are gone. Tony has got his suit back on and comes running in.

Tony POV-
I'm heading out of the secret room and the corridor is now a mess. The suit is left standing so I get it back on, something had happened here and I had to find out. There's voices from down the hall and that's where I head.
Y/N is on the floor and not looking too good
Tony- you okay?
Y/N- fucking fantastic, now help me out of here
I help her up and she screams in pain
Tony- what's wrong?
Y/N- don't worry, just get me out of here
I help her walk to the outside of the building, I've got all the information we needed so it's time to leave.
I wrap my arm around her legs and pick her up, I can see the discomfort she is in as I fly us back to the jet.

Nat- what the hell happened?
Y/N- there's two of them, the bitch threw my through a wall
Nat- let me take a look
She heads over to Y/N as I stand watch
Nat- your shoulder isn't meant to be in that position
Y/N- from the pain, I gathered it wasn't in the socket anymore
Nat- I can put it back in but it's going to hurt
Y/N- No. I need you to get big green back to Bruce
Nat- I'm not leaving you like this
Y/N- it's an order Romanoff

If I didn't know better then I'd say Nat really cared about Y/N, their first interaction wasn't great but they seemed to have bonded. If Nat trusted Y/N then all of us should, Nat doesn't trust anyone who hasn't proven themselves to her.

Nat leaves and I follow her, we locate the Hulk and help get him back to Bruce
Nat- you feeling better?
Bruce- thanks
Nat- Y/N and Clint are hurt, they need checking out

We all head back and see Y/N walking around getting us ready to leave
Nat- sit down, you shouldn't be up
Y/N- I've had worse, check on Clint first and make sure he's okay

At this point, the pain is ridiculously bad. I've been at war and been shot, blown up and anything I could really imagine but this pain was something I'd never felt before.
Nat- sit down now, I'm not seeing you make this worse
Y/N- I'm fine, it's nothing
She walks closer to me and grabs my shoulder squeezing gently
She nudges me to the seat behind and I sit down, tears rolling down my face. She lifts the bottom of my shirt and places my arm into it, rolling it up so it supports my shoulder
Nat- don't move too much, that should help for a while. Also, don't lie to me, I can see right through you
I can see her glancing down at my stomach, I've worked up a sweat and it's trickling down my abs
Y/N- my eyes are up here Romanoff
I smirk as she starts to blush
Y/N- everyone's here so it's time to go

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