Part 71

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My hands were shaking as I held the tools, millions of lives rested on my ability to disarm this bomb.
Beads of sweat ran down my face, the salty liquid dripping off my face onto the floor as I laid down under a bomb which could blow up a 10 mile radius.

I opened the panel, multiple coloured wires on show and I had to figure out the right ones to cut.
The timer ticking down as the Avengers talked over comms, they were struggling to keep up with the fight.

Clint- Natasha is down
Steve- I can't find Pietro
Wanda- Where is Maria?
Tony- Has anyone seen Peter?

I had to stop this bomb for them, the timer changing to red as it hit the final 10 seconds.
I quickly checked and found my wire, well here goes nothing.


I jolted awake.
It all felt so real.

The bed was empty next to me as I checked my watch, 02:34. I'd been asleep for way too long, I had to get back to work.
I stopped by the kitchen grabbing some snacks and headed back to my office, a new item left on the table for me.

The key had been finished, it was the exact shape I needed, multiple of them left on the side.
The problem now was that there wasn't schematics on the inside so I'd have to wing it from there.

I spent a few hours checking the other designs, figuring out how to open them was hard but I got there. One had a panel screwed on and the other could be opened by a magnetic force, one that would need to be calibrated exactly to the bomb that was in front of me.

The door creaked open and the chair sank as a familiar figure sat down by the table, fiddling with all the gadgets I'd left laying around.

Y/N- I thought you'd disappeared, done a runner
Nat- I don't run from trouble, it just finds me again
Y/N- yeah okay.

I wanted to be happy with her but I just couldn't, she'd been ignoring me for days.

Nat- can we talk?
Y/N- oh so you're actually interested now? Not going to leave a room when I enter or lock me out of our room?
Nat- I'm sorry
Y/N- I don't need you to be sorry, I need your honesty and commitment otherwise this won't work
Friday- apologise for the interruption but a bomb has been reported, Stark is calling everyone in.

A sigh left her mouth as I grabbed my tool kit, everything in there that I could possibly need for this.
I'd already laid a plan out, Wanda and Vision could move the bombs carefully enough to me if possible. Pietro by my side in case I needed moving quicker than I could do it myself.
Everyone else would search near locations as well as landmarks in case the bombs where there.

Stark- is everyone ready?
Y/N- oh yeah, i'm so ready to get blown up.
At this point, no one appreciated my sense of humour, I'm not sure I even appreciated the joke I just made but it's how I dealt with it.
Maria had arrived and set up the comms centre, she'd also be filtering through emergency calls and mapping down any bomb locations.

Pietro- are you ready my friend?
Y/N- to the first bomb we go.

His arms wrapped under my legs as he lifted me up, running through the streets of New York as we arrived at the Art Museum.
Many priceless artefacts and pieces in display as the crowds were urged out of the building, one officer guiding me towards the bomb before running as far as he could away.

Stark- what have you got?
Y/N- it's smaller than the design, only 1 trip wire and 1 detonator. They're working their way up, many bombs will be diversions to the main one.
Stark- easy then
Y/N- it's only easy if you know what you're doing and.... Disarmed.

Multiple calls of Hobbs came in throughout the day, different areas of the city.
The Avengers had been spread far and wide, most of the calls hoaxes but a few were real.
Steve- I've got another one, it's got something written on it though?
Y/N- what is it?
Steve- 31.464'' N
Maria- part of coordinates?
Y/N- check the rest of the photos I sent you and see if we can figure it out

The information compiled from the 5 bombs so far showed a complete set of coordinates.

40° 45' 31.464'' N and 73° 58' 43.2264'' W.

Y/N- where is that?
Maria- the Rockefeller centre.
Y/N- start clearing the surrounding area, Pietro let's go.

We arrived and Pietro swept the floors, the bomb located in the basement.
It was attached to the pillars, if this detonated then the support beams would collapse and the whole building would fall.

Y/N- shit
Steve- what is it?
Y/N- this isn't like the others
Steve- what do you mean?
Y/N- it's 5 times the size and the power of detonation could wipe out half of New York. I've got more coordinates here as well.
Stark- I'll get the bomb squad on their way there now, you deal with that one as best you can
Y/N- either it goes boom or doesn't Stark, no other options here.

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