Part 23

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Maria POV-

It was late when I received a message from Y/N, I wasn't expecting anymore correspondence from her today so I knew something wasn't right

Y/N- Hey hun, Be Prepared but i've got news for you. I'm breaking up with the boyfriend Tomorrow and I'll Need Your Help. Meet me at the Tower at around 10am, should be about the Right Time. Arrange something with our Friends pleaseeeee!
See You Soon.

What the hell was she going on about? The message made no sense to me but if anyone was going to understand it then that would be Natasha.
I head straight to her room but find she's asleep considering it is 11 at night but I didn't care, I needed her awake to see this.
I open the door and Nat shoots up

Nat- what's happened? Is she okay?
Maria- I got a weird message from her and I don't know where's she going with this
Nat- let me have a look
She takes my phone and eyes the message before grabbing a notepad jotting down a few words

Nat- it's a message in code, she taught it to me a while back
Maria- I don't know it
Nat- she knew you'd come to me with this
Maria- what does it say?
Nat- Hey, be prepared. Tomorrow, I'll need your help. Meet 10am Tower, right time. Arrange Friends.
Maria- it's going down tomorrow and we've got no time to prepare for it

I run out of the room and down into the meeting room
Maria- JARVIS, call everyone to the meeting room now. It's urgent.
Everyone comes running down within minutes and sit around the table
Maria- we received a coded message from Y/N, Loki strikes tomorrow and we all need to be ready
Steve- what do we know?
Maria- not much but we've got a place and a time to be there, 10am tomorrow we are out of here and who knows when we are back.
Tony- okay so everyone get as much rest as possible, we meet again at 8am tomorrow for briefing.


I wake up and head down to the kitchen seeing Nat ready for the mission. She was suited up and looking through photos of her and Y/N on her phone.
Maria- that ones always been my favourite
Nat- she looks so happy, like nothing is troubling her
Maria- that's what you do to her, you take all her troubles away and when she's with you, she's the person I became friends with
Nat- she's not otherwise?
Maria- No, she's changed a lot over the years

I sit down next to her
Maria- she was always a little crazy, loved doing things she wasn't allowed and Fury straightened her out
Nat- not completely straight
We both laugh a little and I just nod in agreement
Maria- when she came back from her first tour in the army, she didn't want to see people. Something changed when she was out there and I don't blame her but my best friend left and someone different came back
Nat- she's perfect to me though, I love everything about her and if today goes wrong...
Maria- it won't, she's incredible at her job and would do anything to make sure she returns to you
Nat- that's what I'm worried about


I was worried.
I had no idea if Maria had understood my message but I knew Nat would, I taught her my code before I left to ensure somebody would get my message. It was a simple code but something not everyone would spot.
By putting a capital at the start of random words close to the start of a sentence, it could be seen as a mistype and therefore a lot of people overlook it but in fact, it was deliberately done.

Loki- let's go my Queen
Y/N- I have a question first
Loki- fire away
Y/N- If someone tried to stop us, what do we do?
Loki- I have a whole army ready and supporting us, the police or the avengers will not be able to stop us

I smirk at him and he shows me his evil grin in reply. I put on the act of being happy when in fact I wanted to kill him there and then but I couldn't, he was too good for someone to do that.
I had done everything right to get him to trust me and I just had to keep going until we stopped him.

We sat on the balcony of Stark tower as he opened a portal, Aliens flying around everywhere
Loki- I tried this once before and it failed but this time, they cannot shut the machine unless it you or I. We will win this Y/N and we will make the Avengers bow down in front of us
Y/N- well they are here, let's make them pay. Shall we?

I offer him my hand and we make our way towards them
Loki- my dear brother and his friends, what do I owe this honour?
Thor- what are you doing brother? People will die and it will be your fault, this isn't you
Loki- oh but this is me, I want to have the power! You got given that by Father and I was left to rot, it's my time to shine and with some help, you will not be able to stop me.

I look around and notice Clint isn't with them which means he's around here somewhere, I look across the rooftops and spot a glint of his arrows. Clever guy was trying to aim for me, I wink and see him release his arrow.
My sense kicks into overdrive as I swerve my body to the side catching the arrow before it could hit me

Loki- well I must say, that was impressive my Queen
I smirk at him before looking back at the Avengers, the fear grew over Natasha's face as Wanda stood next to her holding her hand tight.
Loki- you seem to have stopped your gaze on the women, why don't you take them down?
Y/N- oh it would be my pleasure.

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