Part 46

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This was a huge decision for me and I needed to make the correct one.
I decided to sleep on it and I'd meet Maria at the avengers compound in the morning to help me work through it.

I barely slept last night, all the different scenarios going through my head of if I did go and if I didn't go.
The red Emperor was a dangerous man and his men were ruthless, killing hundreds of people at a time because they didn't agree with him.

I pulled up to the compound, the Quinjet still here so the avengers weren't on a mission.
Y/N- FRIDAY, let Maria know I'm here
FRIDAY- she's waiting for you in your old office agent.

Walking through the corridors and it felt like I didn't belong, I could hear laughter from the main room, in particular Wanda's distinctive laugh as Tony was shouting nonsense.
I try to sneak past but get caught
Tony- Y/N, come settle this for me

Sighing, I head into the room, my eyes falling on Natasha and Steve giggling in the corner
Y/N- what's up?
Tony- if you were forced, would you rather lose the ability to see or the ability to speak?
Y/N- both then I don't have to keep gagging at that
I point over at Steve and Nat in the corner, hands all over each other. Tony can help but laugh as the rest join in gaining the attention of Steve.
Steve- Y/N, how long have you been here?
Y/N- long enough to know it's time for me to leave.
Steve- where you going?
Y/N- I've got a meeting
Wanda- I'll walk you there

She follows me out of the room before spinning me around, arms wrapped around my neck
Wanda- please be careful
Y/N- how did you know?
Wanda- you've always had incredibly loud thoughts, it seems you made your mind up when you saw them
Y/N- I didn't realise it was like that
Wanda- it's really gross, it honestly doesn't feel real
Y/N- I need to tell Maria and then I'll call a meeting, explain everything

I knock on the already open door and I saw her face sink, she already knows what I'm going to say.
Maria- when do you leave?
Y/N- I haven't told him yet, I was hoping someone could give me a reason to stay?
Maria- I'm not going to do that
Y/N- I know, I'm gonna miss you
Maria- please don't die, I can't handle that
Y/N- it's a data role for me, I shouldn't be anywhere near death. I need to tell them.
Maria- they've got meetings till tonight, come back then and they're all yours
Y/N- thank you.

I left the compound without saying goodbye and make the call to Elliot to accept his offer.
I hadn't been given long, I left early tomorrow but I had to make my way there and that took hours.
Packing up my things and putting on my uniform, I was ready to go but first I had to say goodbye.

I returned to the compound, heading Tony moaning from the meeting room at the fact he had to stay
Tony- I just want to leave
Maria- you can once this meeting is done, it won't take long.
I stood in the doorway, nobody realising I was there yet
Tony- please it can't be important
Y/N- since when was I not important?
Tony- damn Major Clarke, you look smoking
Y/N- thank you Tony but keep it in your pants, it's not gonna happen
Tony- what's with the get up?

I walk to the front, everyone retuning to their seats
Y/N- I ship out tomorrow morning, I have some unfinished business with an old enemy of this country
Nat- you can't leave
Y/N- I'm sorry agent, it's been finalised already.
She stormed out the room as Steve followed closely behind, I ignore them as I return to the others all waiting to ask something
Clint- how long?
Y/N- however long it takes really, I don't know
Clint- can I talk to you when those two get annoying?
Y/N- I'm not allowed any contact with anyone apart from my team, I'm so sorry.

I could see they weren't happy with news but they were trying to be supportive of it. Hugs all around as we finished saying goodbyes.
I walk out of the meeting and find Steve waiting for me.
Steve- thank you for your service Major Clarke
Y/N- thank you for your commitment to saving the world Captain Rogers.
We both smile before he gives me a hug, this goodbye felt oddly weird, I thought it wouldn't bother me but they had all become my friends.
Steve- you need to give her a proper goodbye
Y/N- I'll head that way now.

I walk down the corridor towards her room, knocking on the door
Nat- Go away Steve
Y/N- it's me
I hear shuffling before the door opens, her eyes are red and puffy
Nat- come in
I follow her inside taking a seat on the bed next to her, my hand taking hers.
Y/N- it's not goodbye forever, it's just for now
Nat- I'm gonna miss you
Y/N- it's okay, you are allowed to
Nat- I hate this
Y/N- what?
Nat- I pushed you away because I thought you were too good for me. You treated me better than anyone ever has and I loved it, I loved you but I messed up
Y/N- sometimes things change, I'm not angry at you
Nat- you've avoided me every time you're here
Y/N- that's the Steve thing, is he good to you?
Nat- yeah he is
Y/N- good you deserve it, I should really get going.

I stand up leaving her alone on her bed, tears glazing her eyes again
Nat- if you wanna come back, it's alright, there's always a place here for you
Y/N- thank you

This journey had finished and I was readying myself for a new phase. The past had caught up again and it was becoming my future.
Leaving this was never in my plans but when the Army comes calling, you go.

I didn't know how this was going to end or if I was going to survive but I was willing to do it.
I had to do it for everyone.

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