Part 59

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Wanda POV-

After Y/N left, we decided to give her some time. All of us knew she wasn't someone to be around when in a mood but I couldn't leave her all alone.
Tony had a tracker in the brace in case someone stole the technology but he used it to find her.

I parked my car up outside. I couldn't see her so I assumed she was inside.
I spoke to the guy on the front desk, we shared a joke and then he showed me to where Y/N was.

She had the baseball bat in hand as the machine fired a ball towards her.
I didn't know she was interested in this but the batting cages is where I found her.
The ball flew towards her, the satisfying sound of the ball flying off the bat followed.

Wanda- you're good at that
Y/N- thanks, it's good to get rid of anger
Wanda- it seems you have a lot of that currently
Y/N- too much for me to be at the compound

The machine stopped and she turned around, holding the handle of the bat towards me
Y/N- step up to the plate player
Wanda- I've never done this before, what happens if it hits me?
Y/N- you know you can move things with your mind right?

I walked over and Y/N pushed a button, the ball flying at me as I ducked, a small squeal leaving my lips
Y/N- holy crap, you're terrible
It was the first time in a long time I'd seen her laugh properly, she was enjoying this way too much.
Wanda- okay so sports aren't my thing.
Y/N- let me show you

She walked up behind me and helped adjust my hands, taking a proper grip on the bat.
She swayed my hips in the motion of hitting and I couldn't help but laugh, normally this would look weird or romantic. For me, it was hilarious, she was crazily hot but I didn't care because I loved a robot.

Y/N- you ready?
Wanda- hit me with your best shot
She stood in front of the machine, ball in hand. A gentle throw.
Y/N- You actually did it

She picked me up in a hug, spinning round as I laughed.
Wanda- now let's do something I'm good at
Y/N- what's that?
Wanda- eating ice cream, you're paying!

Y/N ordered the ice cream, chocolate for myself and mint chocolate chip for herself.
Wanda- are you going to tell me what the argument was about?
Y/N- she knew I was working but stayed out that late?
Wanda- I was supposed to be looking after Mila
Y/N- that doesn't matter, she can't expect other to take her responsibilities
Wanda- are you going to talk to her about it?
Y/N- eventually, I just want to have a good night

We talked for hours and it was getting dark, Y/N laying in the back of her truck whilst watching the stars as I got a couple sodas.

Wanda- you miss it?
Y/N- what's that?
Wanda- the war
Y/N- why would I miss that?
Wanda- you feel like you don't have a place in this world anymore but we all know that's not true
Y/N- when I served, people relied on me and followed my every step, now all I can do is interrogate people and cause arguments. I'm not fit for this world
Wanda- it's going to take time but I know that I never want you to leave again

She didn't talk much after that, I could feel her thinking and she was in doubts about her ability to be here, thinking of other potential ways to contribute to the world.
Wanda- let's get you home, maybe your daughter will help you

We arrived back at the compound, loud music blaring from the speakers dotted around.
Tony dancing on the table whilst other guests enjoyed themselves.

Y/N- did you know about this?
Wanda- no idea
Y/N- well that's just great

I watched Y/N walk off, Natasha spotting her but not paying much interest as a man stood close next to her.
His hand resting on the base of her back as she leaned into him, obviously they were dating or close to it anyway.

I looked around the room for Y/N who was now arguing with Maria. It didn't take her long to leave as she headed to the elevator, likely to be going to her floor to see Mila

Pietro- hey sis
Wanda- what's going on here?
Pietro- a party to celebrate a new arm
Wanda- without the one who's arm it is?
Pietro- oh yeah, didn't even notice she wasn't here

I'm not sure anyone noticed Y/N wasn't here. I could see why she was feeling distant from everyone. She was doing everything she could to keep people close to her and giving them what they wanted but she wasn't getting anything back.
I couldn't stand here when I knew what she was going through.

I walked over to Natasha and dragged her away from the creep next to her
Nat- what the hell!
Wanda- she saw you with him and I could feel everything she did
Nat- so?
Wanda- you're so oblivious, for a spy you really miss what's right in front of you.

I stormed off.
I loved Y/N like she was my sister, she'd protected me since the day I was here and gave me a home when I could've been shipped off and never seen again.
She gave me love and an ability to love someone back.

I needed her to be okay, she just has to be.

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