Part 49

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Everyone had a little too much to drink, Steve keeping an eye on everyone as he couldn't get drunk.

The jar came out. Ah Tony's favourite thing in the world.
Tony- answer the question or do the dare and you'll be fine, pussy out and you'll be punished. Just pick a name out the Jar and go with the flow
The jar was pushed towards you and you meant forward taking a name out, Clint.
Y/N- truth or dare buddy
Clint- I'm gonna regret this but Dare.
Y/N- let Thor give you a wedgie
Clint- oh I hate you so much

He walks towards the God and he takes grip, underwear yanked as high as possible. A high pitched squeal escaping the marksman lips whilst the whole room roars into laughter
Clint- I'm gonna end you Clarke
Y/N- looking forward to it.

The rounds continue and Tony pulls out Natasha's name
Tony- what's it gonna be?
Nat- Truth
Tony- why'd you leave for a year? You left Clarke stood there on her own at a graveyard of all places
Y/N- back off Tony, she can do what she wants
Tony- I want to know, you deserve the truth
Wanda- Tony, sit down and shut up
Clint- I'm with Wanda on this one.

All eyes fall on you as Nat raises her hand, shushing everyone in the room.
Nat- I blew all my covers and that meant people came after me, I needed to protect my family.
Clint- Nat stop.
Nat- My family were stuck deep in the red room, it's horrible and I needed them to be safe so I did what I had to do
Tony- that doesn't take a year though?
Wanda- seriously shut up
Y/N- you don't have to do this Nat, you don't need to explain things to me

The room is quiet as Natasha stands up
Nat- I love my family more than anything and I would do everything to protect them. Shield helped me change their names and moved them across the country, only a few people know where they are. Clint and Wanda being two of them
Tony- that still doesn't explain everything
Nat- I can't do this

She races out of the room, your eyes following her as she does.
There's a niggling pain in your head as you see Wanda staring at you, relaxing, your mind opens for her
Wanda- she needs you right now, follow her.

Maria moved off your lap and sat in the chair as you went to follow behind
Clint- I'm not sure that's a good idea
Y/N- I'm just going to check on her, I don't care about anything she said.
Tony- why?
Y/N- shut the hell up Stark, she's your friend and you've tried to ruin her tonight so sit down and suck it.

It was a warm night and the sun was starting to set outside when you saw Natasha sitting on a bench, her head in her hands.
You perched down next to her, not saying a word until she felt ready to talk
Nat- I don't want to talk about it
Y/N- that's fine

You both just sat there is silence, her head resting on your shoulder as you placed your hand on her knee, her hand interlocking with yours.
Y/N- I left for a year with the intention of never coming back to this, everything you ever experience in the army is beyond things a lot of people can comprehend
Nat- what do you mean?
Y/N- I travelled the world. Turkey, Russia, India, just to name a few but yet, I still couldn't stop one man from hurting thousands of people. Trust me, I really did try
Nat- sometimes things don't go as planned

She lifts her head, now looking straight at you as you stare towards the sky.
Y/N- there was one night in Kazakhstan where I found the Red Emperor, he was trying to hide but I was too good at my job for that
Nat- what happened?
Y/N- the whole block was on lockdown and it was my team to enter and eliminate the target. We swept the building and split up, I went on my own. I found him and he was just sat there waiting for me, it was like he knew I'd be the one to see him. I didn't even have time fo react before the bullet hit me
Nat- he shot you?

You stand up and take off your jacket, a 6 inch scar on your lower stomach to the right hand side
Nat's fingers graze over it, a feeling of interest taking over
Y/N- they couldn't remove the bullet, probably would've killed me if they did
Nat- surely you had a vest on?
Y/N- I did, bullet went straight through it. I was out of action for months and honestly, I thought I was done.

She didn't know what to say, her lips trembling
Y/N- I'm sorry about your family, I had no idea what was happening
Nat- neither did I, not until I got there.
Y/N- are they doing okay?
Nat- yeah I think so. I need to tell you something Y/N

She stood up and moved away from you, her body shaking
Y/N- whatever it is, I'm here, I'm not going anywhere
Nat- I've been hiding something from you, well someone in fact
Y/N- what do you mean?

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes fighting back the tears glazing her eyes.
Y/N- you're starting to scare me, what's going on?
Nat- I have a daughter
Y/N- what?
Nat- love of my life, I didn't think I could have kids but there I was, fat and a child inside me
Y/N- how old?
Nat- just over a year

Her hands now on your face as you pushed her away, walking away from her
Nat- Y/N! Come back
Y/N- NO! You cheated on me?
Nat- please I didn't
Y/N- Jesus Christ, is it Steve's?
Nat- No...

The tears now rolling down your face as you lean against the wall beside you. Her hand rubbing and and down your back as the news shocked you
Y/N- who's is it?
Nat- it's yours....

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