Part 44

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Narrator POV-

Time ticked on as you were nowhere to be found. The Avengers searched high and low for you but every lead hit a dead end. They would never give up on you and you knew it but things happen and plans have to change.

Mike- we need your shield badge number and passcode
Y/N- ah another question for me to ignore
Mike- we've got the winter soldier, we don't need you for that anymore
Y/N- wait he's here?
Mike- yes he is
Y/N- you're so screwed
Your laughter filled the room, ignoring comments from Mike. The door opened as a large man walked in, the palm of his hand wrapping itself around your cheek in one swift movement
Y/N- woah no fair
Mike- stop laughing and tell me why we are screwed

This was the time to press for information, there were things you needed to know to ensure your safety but things you couldn't tell them, if you divulged all information then you were as good as dead.

Y/N- you see, the Avengers will be searching for him and if he is here then they'll find me as well
Mike- they don't care about you, they've forgotten
Y/N- how's that?
Mike- they've been doing missions the whole month you've been gone.

He didn't even realise he added a time frame. You now knew there were 3 men holding you hostage, it had been a month but you knew Maria hadn't stopped. If they had tracked the winter soldier then it was likely Steve had as well which meant they probably knew of this location or previous locations as you'd been moved twice already.

Y/N- can I see him?
Mike- why?
Y/N- you're going to kill me anyway, might as well see what I'm dying for
Mike- fine. If you try to escape then I won't hesitate to put a bullet in your head
Y/N- sounds like fun.

The man in the room removed the restraints, new cuffs being placed around your wrists.
Slowly limping your way to another room, you observed the lay out of the building.
A long corridor, 2 doors on the left side with 1 door on the right.
The Winter soldier was located off the corridor, the furthest room from yours. His arm locked into a vice stopping any movement.

Y/N- has he said anything?
Mike- not even looked at us, let's make a deal
Y/N- I'm listening
Mike- you get him to react and I will get you whatever food you want for tonight
Y/N- deal.
It wasn't like you to make deals with devils but you were hungry, eating scraps wasn't enough and it certainly wasn't going to do any good for wanting to escape.

You allowed yourself to be handcuffed to the table, taking a seat opposite him. He didn't move.
Y/N- James
Y/N- Bucky
You saw his facial expressions change, the familiarity of the name caused this. He recognised it.
Y/N- Steve misses you a lot, he's been doing everything in his power to find you
Bucky- he doesn't know me
Y/N- he does, what they did to you has made you someone else
Bucky- this is me
Y/N- No. They've messed with your head, the Bucky Steve loves is still in there.
Bucky- what's your name?
Y/N- Clarke, Y/N Clarke.

You wanted to continue the conversation when alarms started to sound. The man rushing in dragging you into an unknown room.

Nat POV-

We'd tracked the Winter Solider to an abandoned Warehouse on the outskirts of New York.
A group of men had taken him from a mission he had been sent on and we followed them to this location.
Maria signed off for us to breach and to attempt to retrieve him in one piece.

The jet landed outside and we separated, Steve and Tony went round the back whilst Clint, Wanda and I took the front entrance.
The door creaked open, Clint entering first as the lights flickered. Wanda followed behind me as we searched the building, old machinery still lay in place.

The main room was large, each side of the building covered by windows from roof to floor. The light shone in as two men were stood in front of us, somebody on the floor with a bag over their head.
??- Let us leave or they die
Clint- that's not how this works

Tony- the solider is here, we have him in custody
Nat- then who the hell is in front of us?

??- what's it going to be?
Nat- that depends on who that is
??- surely you could work that out, maybe we should give you a clue
He whips the bag off their head and my jaw drops, we didn't know she wasn't going to be here. Her eyes were dark, tired circles all the way round.
??- now, you can have her and we will leave
Clint- Done

They push her towards us, her legs giving way as she barely makes it across. Wanda sends the two men flying across the room, smashing into the wall behind them.
Nat- hey, I've got you
Y/N- took you assholes long enough

I help her back to the jet, Steve and Tony watching in shock. Most of her body weight was on me but I didn't care, she was beaten and bruised. She just needed someone to take care of her now.
Nat- what do you need?
Y/N- sleep
Nat- come on then.
I help her lay down, her head resting on my lap as her legs spread across the numerous seats.
It doesn't take long for her to fall asleep, the fatigue finally taking over as she realises she's safe.

My fingers running through her hair as the jet lands at the Shield compound.
Medical staff waiting outside as well as Maria and Sharon.
I didn't want to wake her up, I gently slipped out from under her before picking her up. I walked down and placed her on the gurney without waking her.

Maria- thank you
Nat- we didn't know she was there
Maria- it doesn't matter, you brought her home.
Nat- can I stay with her?
Maria- I don't think that's wise
Nat- I hated the way I left things with her. She is perfect and makes me so happy but I couldn't stay, she would've been in danger. People were coming after me Maria, I had to protect her
Maria- is that why you're fucking Steve?
Nat- you know?
Clint- everyone knows, ooo Steve yes Steve. You aren't quiet

They wheeled Y/N away, Steve wrapped his arm around my shoulder
Steve- guess it's not private anymore

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