Part 35

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Nat POV-

Y/N and Steve had disappeared soon after they started talking. I continue the session with Peter and he's doing well.

I see Peter out and head into the main room, Steve chilling on the coach whilst Tony is arguing on the phone.
Nat- where's Y/N?
Steve- running errands
Nat- when is she back?
Steve- she didn't say actually

Hours pass and Y/N isn't back yet. I check her calendar and there is nothing scheduled in so I call her. The phone rings a few times before she picks up
Y/N- everything okay babe?
Nat- yeah sorry, I just wanted to check in and make sure you were okay
Y/N- I'm all good thanks, I just had something's to do and some spare time so it made sense
Nat- okay, what time are you back?
Y/N- I won't be long, just grabbing some food for dinner and then I'm all yours
Nat- good, I'm holding you to that
Y/N- aw baby girl, can you not wait for Daddy to get home?
I swallow hard at that comment, my body getting hotter as tingling starts.
Y/N- my baby girl can't even speak anymore, she knows Daddy is going to fuck her good tonight
Nat- yes please....
Y/N- be a good girl tonight and I'll give you whatever you want
Nat- and if I'm bad?
Y/N- bad girls get punished.

She hangs up the phone. I sigh loudly and notice Wanda staring at me
Nat- are you okay?
Wanda- you should really flirt back better, she's got you all flustered
Nat- what.. No.. okay fine yes she does
Wanda- is she that good?
Nat- honestly the best I've ever had.
Wanda- wow


I grab some takeout for Nat and I before heading back to the compound. Indian was her favourite so I grab a couple curries, rice and poppadoms.

Walking back into the compound and everyone is in the main room apart from Nat
Wanda- before you ask, she's upstairs in your office. She needed to do paperwork and the children here are being too loud
Y/N- thanks Wands
Wanda- oh by the way, she enjoyed your conversation earlier
Y/N- right, did she say anything else?
Wanda- nothing that I'm going to tell you
Y/N- I'll see you later Wanda

I head to my office and see Natasha with her headphones in scribbling down words. She calls it writing but most of the times, it's unreadable.
I quietly put the food down and walk behind her sweeping her hair away kissing her neck
Nat-mmmm so good
Y/N- I got takeout, your favourite
Nat- the only thing I want you to eat is me.


She pulls her headphones out as I lift her onto the desk, our lips meeting quickly.
My hands pulling her shirt off as I start to kiss down her neck again.
She wraps her legs around my waist pulling herself closer as she slowly grinds against me
Y/N- fuck...
Nat- show me what you've got Daddy, I want you.

Luckily, my room was attached to my office. I open the side door and push her straight down onto my bed.
She undoes her trouser buttons and I slide them off her legs revealing a black thong. I can't help but bite my lip at the sight
Nat- you like what you see?
I spread her legs and lay in between them, my lips attaching to her inner thigh as my hand rubs gently against the minimal fabric
Nat- god, don't tease
Y/N- Daddy can do what she likes okay?
Nat- yes Daddy.

I take my shirt off and her eyes light up, I push my hair out of my face tying it up. Removing her thong, she lifts her hips for better access as I thrust my fingers deep into her
In and out, as quick as I can as she pants barely being able to cope with the speed I was going at.
My lips meeting hers again and I take full control, my tongue pushing it's way into her mouth as she moans deep into me

Her cum covers my fingers as I gently pull out of her, keeping direct eye contact as I lick my fingers clean
Nat- shit, that was hot
Y/N- you taste really good
A smirk covers my face as I lower myself down, my mouth laying kisses across her body before getting down to her core. I look up awaiting permission
Nat- you don't need to ask
Y/N- always will anyway
Nat- Eat Me Out Daddy.
I don't waste a second, my mouth nipping at her clit as her hand grips at my roots.

I take my time, I knew how she liked it but I wanted to please her tonight. I didn't want this to be a quick fuck but the best one of her life.
Nat- Yes Y/N, right THERE!
My tongue hitting her G spot as she moans loudly, screaming my name for everyone to hear
Nat- keep going, I'm close
I speed up a little, making sure I take care of her. One hand playing with her nipple as the other gently rubs her clit.
Her warm liquid runs down my tongue and I lick her clean. Sitting up, she's panting and struggling for words

Y/N- let's get you cleaned up
Nat- we aren't done here
She flips us over so now she's on top
Y/N- well, this is new
Nat- thought we'd try something different.
Cold metal attached to my wrists as she cuffs my arms up to the headboard.
Undoing my jeans and throwing them to the side before gently tracing her fingers along the wet patches of my underwear
Nat- someone is enjoying this
Y/N- I am

My underwear torn away and disposed off as she spreads my legs, her mouth delving into my core as I shriek.
Y/N- oh god fuck Nat
The pace was fast, my nails digging into my palms as her hands held tightly onto my thighs continuously pushing them open
Nat- cum for me baby
Y/N- make me
The fire ignites in her eyes as she pushes her fingers deep into me, her mouth sucking on my clit.
Thrusting in and out, I can't control myself, squirting all over her fingers and face
Nat- woah, that's new
Y/N- Holy fuck
Nat- best yet I'd say
Y/N- hell yeah

She uncuffs me and we jump in the shower, more rounds following as we ware each other out.
We reheat the takeout and spend the night watching films in bed.

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