Part 27

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Maria POV-

It had been three days since the big argument and everyone knew about it.
Bruce had checked Y/N out and she was healing fine, no major injuries or permanent damage.
Nat would barely even speak to her, I could understand why she was angry but she needed to cool down so that's why a mission was perfect for her.

Maria- Nat, meeting room now.
She puts her glass down and follows me in, Y/N watches the whole time with a confused look on her face.

Maria- you've got a mission, solo this time
Nat- nice, what's the plan?
Maria- simple watch and extract, there's a guy named Sergei held up in a cabin holding information Shield needs. He leaves around 8pm every night to grab food and is gone for around 20 minutes. You use that time to slip in and out undetected
Nat- sounds good to me, when do I leave?
Maria- you leave now, there's a base close that will fill you in on everything.
Nat- perfect, I'll pack and get ready

I watch her leave and see Y/N jump up following her.


I run after Nat who is heading to her room, she slams the door behind her making sure I can't get into her room. She does this forgetting I have an override code to all of the doors as well as actually knowing hers.
I input the code and walk in

Nat- you could get fired for that
Y/N- are you going to tell anyone?
Nat- maybe, depends what you're here for
Y/N- I want to wish you good luck, I guessed you had a mission
Nat- I do yeah but it's not dangerous, I promise
I smile at her and just nod my head, slowly turning around to head to the door
Y/N- please don't get hurt, I couldn't live with myself if you get hurt being angry at me
Nat- I'm not angry at you, I just want you to trust me more
Y/N- I do trust you, it's just not easy for me to open up
Nat- I can't have this argument now, I've got to go

With that, she walks out of the room. I follow her to the quinjet and watch her leave.
She's in the air and now, my plan was a go.

Nat POV-

I hated the fact Y/N didn't trust me, I loved the girl but she knew how to push my buttons and it wasn't easy for me.

I walk into the base and well, it's not a base. The rooms were small and there weren't many people here, it looked more like a place they rented to complete this mission.

??- Agent Romanoff, I'm glad you're finally here
Nat- thank you, sorry but who are you?
??- I'm Agent Sharon Carter, Maria asked me to help you with the briefing
Nat- perfect, lead the way.

The briefing was long and boring which was unusual for this type of mission. Sharon went over every possible entrance and exit as well as contingency plans for being caught or not being able to find the information I was looking for.
She was good at her job but I didn't need all this information, I would be able to make a plan myself and deal with whatever happened.

Sharon- okay so that's it, supplies are over there and you are good to go when you're ready.
Nat- thank you
I pack my bag up ready, grabbing a couple guns as well as snacks in case this took longer than expected.

I arrive at the cabin at 6pm, it was dark and covered so you couldn't see inside. The information given to me informed that only one person lived here and that was Sergei.
There had been no movement for a couple hours when I saw the front door open, Sergei was getting ready to leave so this was my time to go. I had to be careful to make sure he didn't know I was in there.

I tread carefully as I head down the hill and over to the cabin, the door is unlocked so I open it slowly.

Candles lit, music playing and Y/N stood there smiling at me
Y/N- hi Babe
Nat- what the hell is going on here?
Y/N- there was no mission
Nat- so what is this?
Y/N- this is my apology and our chance to spend time together.
Nat- you're such an ass
Y/N- I know but you wouldn't have said yes to me so I had to go with the next best thing
Y/N- well you love missions and I was owed a few favours so I cashed in

She was unbelievable but honestly, this was the nicest thing anyone had ever done for me. I walk around the cabin looking at all the photos on the walls and realise, this is Y/N's

Nat- you live here?
Y/N- yeah, it's secluded and quiet
Nat- how long has this been yours?
Y/N- my parents owned it for years and then I bought it from them maybe 6 years ago
Nat- these your parents?
Y/N- yeah they are, been a long time since I've seen them
Nat- why did you do this anyway? Why here?
Y/N- this is my first attempt at letting you into my life
Nat- it's one night though Y/N

I can tell she has something to say but is figuring it out, I don't want to push her but it's frustrating me
Y/N- well actually, I may have booked in some of your holiday so you've got a week off
Nat- are you serious?
Y/N- please don't be angry, I just wanted to spend time with you
Nat- I'm not angry but I don't have clothes or anything
Y/N- well actually I sorted that as well
She points to a couple bags on the floor in the corner of the room
Y/N- I think I got everything you need but if not, then I'll buy it for you

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