Part 53

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I sat there listening to the voicemail over and over again, she couldn't have meant what she said or did she?

I couldn't let myself get distracted by this, I need to gain some information on the Red Emperors group and I knew where I needed to go.

I got into a taxi and it took me to the local shopping mall, my contact ran an underground business in the street behind and he was who I needed right now.
I checked around a couple of times before entering, my face completely covered as I entered.

Wesley- What can I do for you mysterious person?
I took off my hat and glasses, a smile arising on his face
Y/N- you got some time for an old friend?
Wesley- only if you've got what I need
Y/N- what's that?
Wesley- need security system, top of the range
Y/N- call this number and tell him I sent you, I'll cover the cost.
Wesley- well then, we are in business.

We headed into the back room, full of computers and other hardware.
Wesley- what do you need?
Y/N- a laptop, untraceable
Wesley- easy
Y/N- I need you to run a search for me as well, run this tattoo through the prison database
Wesley- 26 prisoners match
Y/N- how many are out?
Wesley- 12
Y/N- hack their phones and see if they have a common hangout area
Wesley- that's going to take a while
Y/N- that's fine, you've got my number

I walked around the centre for a while, taking different exits so it was hard to be followed. It wasn't that I thought I was but more to make sure I was safe.
I hailed a taxi, taking me back to my hotel. I needed enough information on these people as possible but I couldn't put anyone I cared about in danger.

Nat POV-

Oscar- we've been tracking everything and she's not appeared once on CCTV or traffic cams, she's just too good at this
Nat- we have to find her before she gets killed
Oscar- or she kills him.

That was my fear, I knew she'd killed people before and this was her mission but that wasn't sanctioned, it would be murder.

Maria- I've just had a call from the local precinct, 3 bodies with the same tattoo just turned up on north side, all with one bullet to the head
Nat- any suspects?
Maria- nobody saw a thing. The gun was left behind though, we've been sent the prints to run

She loaded them onto the system, it didn't take long for a match to appear. The name I was dreading it to be.
Maria- 98% match, Y/N Clarke.
Nat- that can't be right, she wouldn't
Fury- but she did. Issue the arrest warrant, she's armed and dangerous.

I had to get a hold of her before she was caught, I needed help and it wasn't coming from any of these people.
I got back to the compound as quick as I could, Wanda and Clint stood waiting for me outside.

Clint- what's happened?
Nat- she supposedly murdered 3 people
Wanda- and?
Nat- I don't believe she could do that
Clint- what do you need from us?
Nat- a way to talk to her, something shield hasn't thought about yet.
Clint- Stark satellites can find anything, use them and we could find her
Nat- let's do it.

We got into the office easily, nobody would question why we were there. Wanda was keeping the others busy upstairs as Clint searched through.
Clint- okay, where are you kid?
Nat- you know she's not what everything thinks?
Clint- oh you'd know, it's why you and Steve haven't been the same since she left
Nat- shut up
Clint- you knew it was always her but you hid so when someone found out about your child they'd think it was Steve's.
Nat- it was stupid, I know.
Clint- but you don't, maybe none of this would have happened if you'd been honest with her about how you felt from the start.

The computer started to beep as pings came in from all around the city, stamped at different times showing her movements.
Clint- she's at a hotel, I'll send the information to Wanda
Nat- I'm going
Clint- they'll be following you, Wanda can fly and will know if Y/N is lying to us
Nat- you got me there.


I heard a knock at my door, gun ready at my side as I approached. Looking through the peephole showed a Sokovian redhead I was familiar with.
Quickly, I opened the door and pulled her in.

Y/N- what the hell are you doing here?
Wanda- I could say the same to you
She was looking around the room, flicking her fingers through pages of notes I'd made.
Y/N- seriously? Not gonna say anything
Wanda- tell me why you killed those men
Y/N- I haven't killed anyone

She turned around, her eyes red as she looked at me.
Wanda- Prove it
I took her hand, putting it on my temple as the Red wisps entered my head. I could feel her running through my memories, she needed to know I was telling the truth so I let her.

Wanda- you didn't do it
Y/N- I need information from them, I don't need them dead
Wanda- what's next for you?
Y/N- I keep tracking them, I'll find him eventually
Wanda- you know we can help you
Y/N- this is my fight, he's coming after me. I have to stop him before he hurts anyone I care about.
Wanda- I'm not leaving until I have something to give them
Y/N- tell me everything you know.

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