Part 30

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The night was going smoothly so far, we'd both had a couple drinks but not enough to put us off the mission. We'd dance and chatted for a while but now it was time for the meeting.

I walk down the street hand in hand with Wanda pulling her close, I could see Clint jumping across buildings making sure he could always see us.
We stand outside the old theatre and look at Wanda
Y/N- you ready for this?
Wanda- I think so
Y/N- If things go sideways, you let me do all the talking and stay behind me. Got it?
Wanda- yeah, I understand

We walk in and the men are stood waiting for us. One guard comes over and scans us for wires, luckily it had been disguised as my necklace and my comms unit was so small it undetectable by scanner.
??- ah so you are the great one who they call the American
Y/N- that's me, what are you after?
??- firstly, straight to business which I like and secondly, my name is Enrique
Y/N- great and my name is I didn't ask so I don't care. Are we here to do business or just chat?
Enrique- oh I do like you, but yes let's do business.

Nat POV-

I have to say, that was incredibly hot. I knew she was playing a character but it was so fucking hot. The way she took control and god, I've got to get my head in the game. I can't be sat here thinking like this when it could cost the mission.

We had a fake gun shipment coming in and the plan was to arrest everyone on scene including Y/N and Wanda to make it look real.
All Y/N needed to do right now was agree the pricing

Enrique- we can offer you $500,000 for the 10 rifles, 4 handguns and the crate of Grenades.
Y/N- that's pathetic, I have people lining up to buy these and you are stood here wasting my time
Enrique- what's fair to you?
Y/N- call it $750,000. These guns are the best quality you will find, serial numbers are gone and they're untraceable. If you're just wanting to be a one time customer then it has to be worth my time and effort.
Enrique- what happens if we come back for more?
Y/N- that's when we start doing better deals, cheaper guns and maybe a favour or two here and there
Enrique- okay, I can do that
Y/N- I will text you with a time and address tomorrow. Don't be late otherwise the deal is off.

She takes Wanda's hand and walks out, the men don't move but just watch as she leaves.
Wanda- that was..
Y/N- don't say anything until we are back at our room.
Maria- we got all of that recorded, well done ladies.

Now we had just to wait until the next day.


It was the next morning, I allowed Wanda to sleep in the bed and I took the sofa. I know we were playing a married couple but I was still being fair to Natasha by staying back.
We'd only spoken through comms and not in private, I didn't need it clouding my judgment right now

Wanda- good morning
Y/N- hey
Wanda- what time are we doing the meet?
Y/N- tonight at 11pm but we've got to drive to the shipment first. It's a couple hours away so I was thinking we leave at 3
Wanda- sounds good, I'm gonna order some breakfast.

There was a knock at the door and I saw Natasha dressed a bellhop bringing in our food, she looked so pissed off but I couldn't help but laugh.
Nat- don't you dare, this isn't funny
Y/N- oh but it really is
Nat- zip it, right so you both need to take these. They are button cameras so we can see the whole exchange go down. Y/N put yours on your shirt and Wanda it's for your necklace.
Y/N- got it
Nat- good luck and keep in contact

*Night time*

We had picked up the guns and were waiting for Enrique and his men. We had a chosen the top of a parking structure as it was hard to escape as well as being limited cameras.
Nat and Clint had been there before putting Shield cameras in place so everything was recorded.

I open the back of the car where the guns are stored, resting there as the cars pull up
Enrique- good evening American
I walk over and shake his hand, turning away to grab the product when I feel something pushed against the back of my head. Looking at Wanda, I can see the fear in her eyes but a small hand signal tells her to stay calm

Y/N- so this is how you do business?
Enrique- well we looked into you and I have to say, information on you is hard to find Miss Anderson.
Y/N- that was my mother, I'm nothing like her
Enrique- well then Y/N, I have questions before we do this deal
Y/N- put the gun down and I'll answer whatever you want me to
Enrique- I prefer keeping the gun here

I turn around and place the gun between my eyebrows and a smile grows on Enrique's face
Y/N- I prefer to look at people when I'm talking to them
Enrique- as do I, so why a dishonourable discharge from the army?
Y/N- for years I helped my country win wars and stop the bad guys but the one time I make a mistake, they turned on me. Thrown onto the street with no money and no where to go but just my contacts. This empire grew because of it and now I can do this
Enrique- what did you do?
Y/N- I killed someone who was hurting innocent children, they could defend themselves so I helped them.
Enrique- very honourable
Y/N- not according to them
Enrique- I don't trust you
Y/N- you don't have to, you just take your guns and give me my money

I can see him thinking and I don't know what his next move is going to be but something doesn't feel right to me.

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