Part 58

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I couldn't sleep, I spent most of the night tossing and turning.
It was 6am and I decided to get up, the playroom needed to be tidied before Mila could even step foot in it again so that's where I headed.

By the time all the toys were away it was 6:30am and Tony had messaged me asking to come to the lab.
I headed that way straight away, usually I wasn't allowed in the lab but today was different and I didn't know why.

Tony- good to see you Y/N, I've got something for you
He handed me a small box, a circular disk inside.
Y/N- what is it?
Tony- it's a stimulator. I've had your scans and built this to see if it'll work but you'll need to try it out.

I took off the brace and placed on one he had made, fully designed to fit my arm as the disk was placed. Small bolts running through my arm stimulating the nerves quicker than ever before.
Tony- give it a go
I looked at the mug on the table, wrapping my fingers round the handle and gently lifted it.

It was a miracle. I moved the cup around normally, my arm was fully functioning and there was no pain.
The tears that filled me eyes were happy ones, I put the cup down and headed to Tony. My arms wrapping around him
Y/N- I can't ever repay you for this
Tony- you've done so much for all of us, take it as a thank you

We pulled away at the same time, tears rolling down Tony's face as well.
Y/N- I reckon I should get used to this
Tony- there's a new suit as well, one of them built in so that's a home one. Now go and finally play with your kid properly
Y/N- thank you Tony, this means everything.

There was only one thing I really wanted to do right now and that was cook food. Everyone had been cooking for me and I felt like I owed them in return.
I spent the next hour or so prepping a lot of food, there was pancakes, waffles, a fry up and cereals.

Wanda- it worked?
Y/N- it's perfect, now if you'll excuse me, I've got a child to check on
Wanda- say hi to romanoff for me

Mila is still in bed when I get to her room, Natasha's door now closed.
Y/N- Friday, what time did Romanoff arrive back?
Friday- 2:18am
Jesus Christ, she didn't know how my interrogation was going but yet she decided to stay out so late.

Her date was really bothering me but I know it shouldn't. She made it clear that we couldn't be together and obviously she decided to see someone else instead and there was nothing I could do about it.
The next thing I know is a small child had attached themselves to my leg.

I bend down and pick her up, a big hug was needed and I knew I could rely on her.
Y/N- how about we have a day out?
Mila- YEAH!

We got ready and we weren't quiet, Natasha stood waiting outside the door as we were leaving
Nat- where are you going?
Y/N- feed the ducks and to play at the park
Nat- I'll get changed
Y/N- No. Get your hungover ass sorted out then we will talk when I'm back

The day was brilliant, we started out by getting breakfast. Mila loved smiley face pancakes so we went to a nearby diner.
The ducks were her favourite part of the day, she walked around quacking and I couldn't help but laugh at her. She was so innocent.

The park was all fun and laughter, of course she loved the climbing frame, something she'd learnt from her mother.

This was the part I was least looking forward to, going home.
I knew I had to talk to Natasha about last night but I didn't want it to get ugly.

Natasha was waiting for me when I walked into our floor, Mila running over and giving her a hug before skipping into her playroom.
She might only be just under 2 but she was so independent already.

Nat- you were out for a long time
Y/N- yep.
Nat- are we okay?
Y/N- fine.

Nat POV-

She wouldn't look at me, always avoiding my gaze whilst passing by. She kept packing away from the day when I grabbed her wrist spinning her round.
Nat- what's wrong?
Y/N- you really want to know what's wrong?

Uh oh.

Y/N- you left our daughter alone last night to go on a date. When I came back she was all on her own, the alarm wasn't set and nobody was here. What would've happened if she got scared or something happened? You are supposed to be here, not fucking some stranger.

That was it. She'd finally gone to far.

Nat- what about you? She's not just my responsibility, I actually have a life to live Y/N and you...
Y/N-NO! This isn't my fault, I was working, not throwing myself at some random guy. I am trying to stop the bad guys making more winter soldiers and what are you doing?
Nat- I'm living my life, not all of us want to be a solider for eternity. Some of us want to be happy, to have a life with someone they love and kids.
Y/N- I loved two people in my life and I've lost them both, it's not easy to forget that. I'm sorry if you feel my lifestyle is a failure

I stood in disbelief, of course I didn't think her lifestyle was a failure.
Nat- you haven't lost me Y/N
Y/N- but I have and today confirmed it. You'd prefer to spend time with some stranger then be here with me and your daughter. This isn't going to work anymore Natasha
Nat- what are you saying?

The door behind us creaked open, Wanda poking her head round
Wanda- you guys are being really loud
Y/N- don't worry, I was just leaving.

She went into her room, grabbing her EarPods and keys before slamming the door.
Wanda- I'll go after her in a little while, calm down and play with Mila.

She left as well.
I'd really messed up.. again.

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