Part 25

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Nat POV-

Y/N was struggling to stay with me, her eyes kept rolling back before she pulled herself out of it.
Nat- how hard did Clint hit you?
Y/N- I don't know, I don't remember it
Nat- let me have a look
Y/N- it's fine, I need to figure this out first
Nat- why can't I just blow it up?
Y/N- then the portal collapses potentially in on itself causing a black hole, the whole city would get sucked away even potentially the whole world. It could cause an extinction level threat
Nat- okay so maybe no bombs near here
Y/N- that sounds like a great plan dear

She runs over to the machine and starts to look through it, clicking and flicking different switches which releases the power core
Y/N- I don't think it needs that
She pulls the core out and the whole machine explodes sending us flying back as a surge of power spreads across the whole city.

Tony POV-

Steve and I are fighting the aliens off when a surge of power knocks my suit dead.
My suit locks up and I can't move, adjusting through my phone, I kick the suit back into gear to figure out what the hell just happened

Wanda- did everyone else feel that?
Steve- what was it?
I look up and notice the portal closing and the aliens started to retreat back through it.
Tony- God damn, they did it
Steve- Nat? Y/N? Can you hear us?
There's no reply

We continue to fight off the remaining aliens as we work our way towards the tower. Thor and Pietro are going after Loki to ensure he doesn't escape our clutches this time.
Steve- we've got this here, Wanda go check on the girls

Wanda POV-

I fly up to the top of the building to see the machine on fire. I create an energy ball and cut the oxygen off causing the fire to die down eventually stopping all together.
Smoke fills the air and again using my powers, I clear that away.

Debris covers the rooftop as Y/N and Nat are nowhere to be seen. I work my way across the roof and there's still no sign of them
Steve- you got anything Wanda?
Wanda- I can't see that they're up here, I don't know where they are
Tony- I'm on my way, I'll scan the area to find them

Tony flies into the sky and starts scanning pointing in the direction of their heat signatures.
I found Natasha first, she was unconscious but alive. Tony had trouble locating Y/N but we found her in the end trapped under a lot of debris.
We started pulling her out and she helped move it off of herself.

Y/N- did it work?
Wanda- it did, the portal is closed but we've got some down there to sort out first
Y/N- stay with Nat, I'll deal with them
She holds her hand out and the sword comes flying towards her landing perfectly in the palm of her hand
Wanda- umm how did that just happen?
Y/N- no idea but it's pretty cool right. Fancy giving me a lift down?
I nod as she jumps off the side of the building, I control her landing and she starts to help Steve fight off the remaining aliens.

This women was something else, she didn't have a care in the world and I just knew, we were going to be incredible friends.
Nat- ah what happened?
Wanda- you got blown up
I signal a big boom with my hands and Nat just laughs at me
Nat- where's Y/N? Is she okay?
Wanda- calm down, she's down there
I point over the side of the building and Nat edges her way towards it looking down to see Y/N fighting

I help Natasha down to the street and we see Y/N taking care of the remaining aliens. Loki has been cuffed and taken to Asgard by Thor
Y/N- you both okay?
I nod as Natasha runs over to hug Y/N, she picks her up and spins Nat around causing them both to giggle
Nat- better now I've seen you
Y/N- God, you're so cheesy
Nat punches Y/N's arm and she pretends to be hurt causing Nat to laugh even more.

God these two were actually perfect for each other and we all knew it. I was told that Romanoff never opened up and didn't like speaking to people but she was different with Y/N and it was incredibly noticeable.
She was open and free spirited but without Y/N, she was closed and careful with her words and decisions.

Wanda- so what happens now?
Y/N- I call in the troops and they clean this up, then we party
Tony- did some say Partaayyyy?
Pietro- let's boogie kids
Steve- and I thought I was the old one here
Y/N- let's head home

We all arrive back at the compound and Y/N strolls in carrying her new sword
Wanda- what is it with you and that sword?
Y/N- I don't know but it's almost like I can sense it, I feel attached to it
Nat- yeah that's just creepy, Loki made you a weapon and now it's part of you?
Y/N- well, maybe I'll let you use it eventually
She puts it down on the table with our things and walks off

I head over and find my bag which of course is under the Sword
Wanda- Jesus, why can't I move this thing?
Nat- what do you mean?
Wanda- it's crazy heavy
Nat comes over and tries to lift it but it's impossible, how the hell was Y/N carrying this?
Y/N- what's going on? Trying to steal my things?
Wanda- nope just failing at moving it

Y/N looks confused and picks the sword straight up allowing me to move my bag
Y/N- it's not exactly heavy?
Nat takes it from Y/N immediately dropping it to the floor
Y/N- well that's just weird

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