Part 19

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The other two teams had split up and were wondering around the compound. I didn't know what they were here for but we couldn't let them leave with anything, the compound was secure but if they found the room they needed then who knows what they'd do to get what they came for.

Y/N- you doing okay?
Maria- all good, what's next?
Y/N- clear the floor and then you'll head back to the control room
Maria- what? No..
Y/N- I need eyes in here, I'm blind otherwise.
I round the corner and take down two more guards whilst Maria follows behind me
Y/N- I was trained for things like this, I can handle myself but I need you in the surveillance room
Maria- I'll head back now
Y/N- my headphones are connected to my phone, that's the easiest way to do this

We've connected and Maria is guiding me around the compound
Maria- one round the corner
I holster my gun and grab the knife from my pocket, sneaking behind I take him out with one swift movement and ease him to the floor.
Y/N- he's down, how are the others doing?
Maria- cleared the mission and on their way
I grab my gun out and start clearing the rest of the floor, one guard charges towards me and tackles me to the floor before I could see him. My earphone drops out and I'm on my own for this fight.

I avoid his first punch countering with a kick to his knee causing him to drop, I follow round with a strong right hand and lift my knee smashing into his nose sending blood splattering across the wall.
I grab my headphone and put it back in
Y/N- you could've warned me
Maria- my bad, I didn't see him
Y/N- he's a fucking giant, astronauts can see him
Maria- there's 10 left
Y/N- where are they?
Maria- heading towards the records room but you've got two on your left

Two quick shots and they are both down, knowing the teams were setting up blockades meant they'd found what they were looking for and now it was down to me to stop it.
Y/N- activate the fire suppression system in the corridor before the records room
Maria - copy that, they're heading outside
Y/N- keep pushing them that way, set down the corridor blockers one I've passed through. How far out are the SHIELD units?
Maria- here in 2 minutes

I creep down the corridor hearing noise approaching me, a man runs towards me as I push him to the side. He swings his axe at me and I duck out of the way causing him to smash it into the wall.
I wrap my arms around his neck and tighten my grip as much as possible, his elbows smashing into my ribs gets gentler by the second as he loses consciousness dropping to the floor.

I stand up as a fist strikes me in the face sending me back down to the floor. I jump up and ready myself
Y/N- hey creep, I could do this all day
He runs towards me, his movements fast as he connects with majority of his strikes. I counter his kick by grabbing his leg and smashing my elbow down, his scream fills the corridor as he strikes me in the face again.
He smashes my head into the floor and the blood runs down my face, he's pulling me towards another room by my hair.
There's a faint noise and he darts his attention to it, using the distraction, i elbow his privates and he drops to the floor. I end things with a strong kick to the face sending him face down onto the floor.

Maria- Y/N, come in!
Y/N- yeah I'm here
Maria- thank God, the teams are sweeping the building. They know you're there and they've all seen a photo so they don't shoot you
Y/N- well hurray for me
Maria- head outside and I'll meet you there

Pain started to fill my body as I undid my vest and trudged outside. Maria runs over and pulls me into a hug
Maria- Jesus, did you have a fight with a wall?
Y/N- a couple times, oh and there was an axe as well
I sit on a nearby bench as the teams clear the opposing agents out of the building. I watch as they take them to the van as the Avengers arrive back.

Maria- I think she's going to kill you
Y/N- likely
Natasha runs over and kneels down in front of me, I smile at her but her expression is the very opposite of mine
Nat- what the hell happened to you?
Y/N- I'm fine, I think the wall took most of the damage
I hear Wanda laugh in the background as Natasha gaze changes to her
Nat- this is not a time for jokes, they could've killed you
Y/N- but they didn't, I am fine
Nat- did you know you're bleeding through your top?
I look down and see a massive puddle of blood on my shirt as well as it dripping onto the bench
Y/N- nope, can't feel that

She helps me up and over to Bruce who has grabbed a medical kit from the jet
Bruce- the wounds on your head aren't too serious, you've split open your stitches so I need to redo them
Y/N- go for it
Natasha has walked off in a mood as Bruce start to restitch my stomach.
Bruce- you need to take it easy and allow these to take
Y/N- trust me, that girl isn't going to let me do anything

The compound had been reopened and a cleaning team arranged to sort out the mess I made.
Tony- what does it look like a horror movie in my compound? Axe marks here, gun holes there and blood spatter everywhere
Y/N- well, I did my best to keep it tidy but not possible
Natasha interrupts our conversation
Y/N- you okay?
Nat- come with me, now.
Tony- oooo you're in trouble
Nat- yes, yes she is.

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